Page 32 of Daddy on Fire

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His voice was pure, vulnerability quavering beneath. “Faith.” He grasped my hand, encasing it in his own, and his gentle smile grew. Then he asked me the question that would change both of our lives forever, “Will you marry me?”



“Are you crazy? Come inside, someone might see you,” urged Faith. She had a point. Ours was a small town, and if she told me “No” tonight, the fact she’d had the Fire Chief down on one knee and rebuked his proposal would spread quicker than wildfire—faster than either of us could contain it.

Yes, I was certifiable.

Crazy for her.

Could I resist this opportunity to ask her to put my ring on her finger, even though it might not be right?

No, I could not.

She reached forward and grabbed the fabric of my shirt, tugging me up off the ground.

I followed her as she marched into the kitchen and caressed her butt with lusting, invisible fingers as it jiggled like two puppies under a blanket.

She spun around and fixed me with a stare that would melt the polar ice caps. A vein pulsed in her temple.

“You’re out of your mind,” she admonished.

“Yes, I know. But I can’t help it,” I said, a note of desperation in my voice.

Despite the constant prodding from my mother, I’d remained single well into middle age. People thought I was commitment-phobic, dedicating my life to work.

In truth, no woman had sparked an intense connection. One who let the daddy in me come out and answer her questions, calm her fears, and make her insecurities go away.

With Faith, those things came naturally. With her, I discovered a love I no longer believed existed.

Yes. I said it. The “L” word. She was a rarity. She was real. No one ever accused me of being a genius, but I’d be an idiot not to lock that down tighter than my turnout gear straps.

My angel questioned me with a stubborn fold of her arms, “What do you think you’re doing, Riley?”

“I’m asking you to marry me,” I spelled out, speaking each word in a measured yet passionate way. I looked into her eyes, and my chest rose and fell. Waiting for her to respond was pure torture.

Thankfully, her delectable tendency to be distracted by her environment kicked in to save my ass.

Her fingernails dug into my skin as she held my hand, gaze widening with appreciation at the sight of the sparkling gem nestled in a bed of white gold. “Where on earth did you get that gorgeous ring?” she asked breathlessly.

The stone’s spell took hold, and she stared wide-eyed at the diamond. Seizing the moment, I dragged her into the living room. Not ideal, but it beat the kitchen or porch when romance was afoot.

My smile went full strength, and I pulled a deep breath, feeling ten feet tall.

My swollen chest wasn’t the only bulging part of my anatomy. Every cell in my being pulsed with the need to take her in my arms and ply her with kisses until she was powerless to do anything but let me put this damned ring on her finger.

I was possibly a certified genius. Was I aggravated at her for not scheduling her prenatal appointment at the earliest opportunity, and for letting her insurance registration fall through the cracks?


But grateful, oh so grateful, she’d given me the perfect reason to propose.

“My coverage is aces, no worries there. As my wife, you’ll have access to the best medical services, and so will our baby.” I told her.

Who cared if my aims were impure? I needed to lock her down, stat. My plan was simple. No shame in admitting it: marry her quickly before she ran away. I’d provide her and our baby with top-tier care, regardless of my ulterior motives.

“The ring belonged to my great-grandmother. Mom gave it to me some time ago, in case I met the woman I wanted to marry.” My pulse thumped a rhythm in my throat. I was on edge, waiting for her to answer my damned question. A girl like her had a way of knocking the breath out of an otherwise confident man, and mine evaporated in an instant. I stopped speaking, and my mouth dried up.
