Page 50 of Daddy on Fire

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“I’ll check it out,” Luna said, heading to the entry.

As soon as she turned the handle she revealed a tall, well-dressed man approaching with a glossy white box under one arm. I recognized the shiny gold sticker from Sweetness & Light, the best chocolatiers in town, and possibly the world. Giving him a perplexed glance, I removed the lid and found three Moo Bars, my absolute favorite, nestled inside with a note:

Pretty Girl,

Bring your wild child self, along with the ladies, to join me for a surprise. Enjoy a glass of champagne and some chocolate.

Love, Daddy

“You guys, look!” I exclaimed, breathlessly, holding the note out for each of them to read.

We gazed at each other in stunned silence for a minute before my bestie uttered a joyous shriek, jumping up and down, and clapping her hands. My sister scrambled into the luxurious limo, and Luna and I joined her, giggling as our laughter bounced off the soft leather seats.

My sister didn’t waste a moment; she reached for the minibar and took out a chilled bottle, popping the cork and expertly filling each flute with bubbly liquid, handing them to us one by one.

As we got further down the road, heading away from Briarville, my friend smiled slyly. Clover and I snuck a puzzled glance at each other, wondering what was up.

The mood changed with my sister and I quietly sipping our champagne as the tension grew thicker.

My bestie eyed me with yet another surreptitious smirk and my face flushed and my fists clenched. Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I fixed her with an icy stare that she quickly avoided. Finally, I couldn’t stand her sneaky behavior for a single second more. “Out with it, mystery maven,” I ordered flippantly.

Luna pursed her mouth into a cherry and locked it with an invisible key, before saying, “Can’t. Sworn to secrecy.”

Clover ripped out the words impatiently, “By Riley?” When my friend refused to answer, my sister seethed. “I’m going to ‘secrecy’ your ass.”

“The only thing I can say is, our fate awaits, and it is stellar.” Luna hinted.

Fidgeting with impatience, I appealed, “How much farther until we get there?” My arms were crossed as I anxiously awaited her response.

Waiting was definitely not my strong suit.

She smiled smugly. “Not long at all,” her words dripped with the sort of secrecy she gobbled up with a spoon.

Deciding to literally go along for the ride, my sister and I rolled down the car window, sticking our heads out to inhale the fresh breeze that blew in as we drove down the winding road. Colorful butterflies danced across the sky, simulating living confetti, and goldfinches perched on the tall stalks of native foxgloves.

The liquid was cold and crisp in my mouth and a parade of scent snagged my senses. Earthy loam from the freshly plowed soil, sweet wildflowers ... all the things I loved most about the country.

My sister looked at me, her face lighting up with inquisitiveness. “We’re going to Centerville Beach? You have no idea why?”

I tilted my head, perplexed. “I seriously don’t. Dude is always surprising me. So annoying.”

Luna interjected, “There’s an elegance in the arcane, resembling the allure of an unopened letter.” She had been unusually quiet and secretive lately. It should have been a red flag that something was brewing.

My fingers tapped the seat. I hummed my own tune, leg bouncing as my eyes darted to the dashboard clock. Time dragged on.

Luna read my mind, “Not far now.” She grinned mischievously, making me want to yank one of her pigtails.

Clover sensed our trepidation. “Refills?” She uncorked the bottle and generously poured our glasses full of liquid fortitude, helping us to feel more at ease. “Let’s savor the moment. It’s not every day you get whisked away in a limo.”

Her words sank in and I surrendered with a wide grin. “You know it!” A joyous chuckle tumbled out as I raised my glass up in celebration.

Luna extended her arm in a toast. “To women who dare to dream beyond the ordinary, and friendships that transcend time and space. May our secrets, stories, and laughter be as enduring as ancient castles.”

“What she said.” Clover teased affectionately, “And here’s hoping Luna finds her own daddy.”

I blurted out a belly laugh, clinked my glass against theirs, and winked. “Cheers to that. Daddies are the best!”

Luna sat small and cunning as a fox, sipping her drink. A backwind from the limo’s speed blew her fuchsia bangs in a wild tangle, and as she smoothed them out of her eyes, a soft smile played on her lips.
