Page 54 of Daddy on Fire

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She devoted herself to raising our baby to toddlerhood while also managing a business. It was time to give her some much-needed relief—a surprise I was excited and a little nervous to share with her.

I watched as she headed out of the kitchen and tried to calm myself before our talk.

We sat on our couch, the blinds open to gaze upon the fields beyond. We purchased ten more acres next to the house, giving her and Clover more space for their goats, workshop, and vegetable gardens. It was ideal.

Faith’s crimson tresses cascaded over one shoulder blade. Her irises glowed, a few shades paler than the trees outside. She looked me over with curiosity. “What’s this all about?”

I reached into my back pocket, feeling for the paper folded into quarters. My stomach twisted as I dropped it on her lap and watched her read the letter that I submitted earlier in the day. “See for yourself,” I said.

She skimmed the words, eyes flitting from line to line.

My heart thrummed as I edged closer and cautiously met her gaze. Would she smile with joy? Would she leap into my arms? I waited anxiously, every second seeming to stretch on for eternity, since giving her the letter.

It was quiet except for the sound of her folding the crisp document, my heart pounded like a jackhammer. She glanced back and forth between me and the paper, disbelief painted on her countenance. There were tears on her lashes. “Is this true?”

Uncertain of her response, I answered. “My retirement papers. It’s the real deal.”

She looked up at me, her face full of confusion and an unreadable emotion. “Why didn’t you tell me? I thought we shared everything.”

Oh shit.

This news should have been welcome, but it was yet another example of a man trying—and failing—to get things right.

I inhaled, exhaling an apology. “It was a thoughtless thing to do. I suppose I wanted to surprise you.”

Her voice wavered with a mixture of astonishment and joy. “Surprised? I’m thrilled! You’re really sure this is what you want to do—be a house husband?”

I stood still, my hand on my chin revealed the weight of the decision.

Pausing to take in some air, I said, “Let’s face facts—I’m not twenty-five anymore, and I’m looking forward to my full pension at retirement. This move will allow me to focus on what matters most—you and Tabitha. My girls.”

She startled me by pounding her fist against her leg and suddenly jumping up from the sofa. I was growing accustomed to her sudden spurts of energy and found them adorable. “Shit balls. I guess there’s something I should tell you, too.”

Faith sprinted towards our bedroom, and emerged with a waste bin held in one arm, her other hand steadying its contents. She positioned the container on the coffee table, between us, and carried on with her words, “I planned to share something wonderful with you too, and left this in the bathroom for you to discover, but I can’t wait anymore.”

Two lines displayed on the pregnancy test that sat atop a small mound of garbage—the outcome a resounding “yes”.

“Seriously?” I asked her, feeling joy bubble up in my chest as the implication of the unmistakable results sunk in.

“As a heart attack,” she muttered, her expression slightly embarrassed. “But there’s more to the story.” My wife looked sheepish.

A muscle in my jaw tensed. “Out with it. Or should I spank it out of you?”

At last, she spoke, “From now on, it’s not only us girls you’ll be taking care of.”

I wasn’t following, and she could tell.

“I’m ten weeks pregnant and couldn’t wait, you can punish me for that later. We’re having a boy.”

In a second, a flood of emotion overcame me. Reaching out for her, I embraced her tightly in my arms. “A son?”

My voice shook with pride as I continued, “I may be the stay-at-home dad of the household, but you are its queen. My queen.” I knelt before her and looked up at her while I spoke. “You drive this king to his knees. You’re the true ruler of my heart.”

At first, I was taken aback by her outburst of mirth in such a serious moment, even though I’d grown accustomed to her unusual reactions to things. “What is it, pretty girl? I bow down to you, and you laugh?”

“That’s how we ended up here, huh? You demanded I get down on my knees after Clover and Duke tied the knot. My how the tables have turned.” She giggled uncontrollably, and I whisked her into my arms and carried her to bed.

* * *
