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“I love you.” I press my lips to his. “Turns out, pulling out only works so long before it doesn’t. Who knew?” I release a chuckle. If my dates are correct, it was the weekend after he had me bent over my dining room table. I told Seth I just got new neighbors and I should introduce him to them. Let’s just say, Seth really enjoys when I get new neighbors.

“Who are we telling first?”

“Hollyn wants us to stop by the shop. Since she knew about the surprise, she wanted to make her congratulations official.”

“Then let’s go. I can’t wait to tell the world.” Seth sets me to my feet and tugs my hand as he walks toward the exit, his excitement contagious.


I drag the washcloth over the last white linoleum tabletop. The soft glow of the neon The Sweet Spot sign hangs in the storefront window above me. I started working here as soon as I finished culinary school. I’ve always had a sweet tooth for anything…sweet. But my dreams of owning my own bakery were cut short, so I did the next best thing, manage one. The bell above the door chimes, startling me. I whirl around to see my sister and Seth stroll in. Instantly, a wide smile forms on my lips. I toss the wash rag onto the table and wrap Parisa in a big hug. Pulling away, I hold her at arm’s length and look down expecting to see a noticeable difference, but Parisa says it’s only been about six weeks so there is no visible sign of a baby bump yet.

“Congratulations to the both of you. I’m so excited to be an auntie and spoil him or her with all the toys and treats imaginable.”

“Thanks for keeping it a surprise. It was pretty entertaining watching Seth’s face when he saw the fondant pregnancy test.” Parisa looks up atSeth.

“It looked so real. You did a fantastic job.”

“Thank you. I have to admit that was my first edible pregnancy test.”

Parisa rests her hand on her belly. “Just imagine you could do a whole line of pregnancy announcement cupcakes. And gender reveals. I bet those would be a hit.”

Just then Olivia barrels through the door, holding her phone out in front of her, talking to someone. “Hold on. I just walked into The Sweet Spot, and everyone’s here.” Olivia lifts her gaze. “I have Charlie on FaceTime, and she has some news.” Olivia squeals with excitement as she turns her phone around. Charlie and Bennett come into view on the small screen.

“Hey everyone. So…this happened.” Charlie holds up her left hand, a massive diamond taking up her ring finger. “We’re getting married!” A collective round of cheers and congratulations makes its way around our group.

“Not wanting to steal Charlie’s thunder but since we’re all here…It’s still early but…” Parisa looks up at Seth and he beams down at her. Then she rests a hand on her belly. Olivia notices first and her eyes go wide. “We’re having a baby!” Parisa shouts. The Sweet Spot once again fills with excitement and cheers.

I’m hit with a slight pang of jealousy. My sister is having a baby, our friends are getting married, and then there’s me. Single and alone. It’s been so long since I’ve had sex, I think my vagina has shriveled up into itself. I’ve been on dates, but as each day passes, the pool of quality men to fish from gets smaller and smaller. Even friends who set me up with friends of friends turn out to be duds. Why is dating so hard? Not to mention, work takes up most of my time. But I’ve wallowed in enough self-pity. I plaster on a smile because I am genuinely excited for everyone’s happy news. I was just expecting to be at a different point in my life by now.

Olivia directs the phone screen back on her. “You know what this means. We’re having a party! There’s a wedding and a baby coming, we’re celebrating! Something big. It will be like a pre-bachelorette party for Charlie and a night out before your life is consumed with no sleep, baby vomit, and diapers for Parisa and Seth.”

“So glad you could make that sound so enticing,” Seth deadpans.

You can almost see the wheels turning while Olivia plans everything out in her head. Maybe a night out is what I need. Hell, I can’t remember the last time I took a weekend off and just let loose. Leave all my cares and worries at home.

“Okay ladies, dust off your vaginas, well me and Hollyn,” Olivia turns to Parisa, “because you get regular sex. I’m thinking we rent a limo and head to the Cities for a night of fun, laughter, and debauchery.”

“Are you sure? We can do something small and intimate up here—”

Olivia cuts Parisa off. “Yes, I’m sure. We never did this while everyone was single, now everyone is pairing off so yes, it’s happening. The guys can come too, and they can have their own guys night.”

I think about Olivia’s proposal. This is exactly what I need to get out of this rut. “I’m in!” Olivia bounces back and forth on the balls of her stiletto heels in excitement. I make my way to the kitchen and pull out a box of miscellaneous cupcakes. When I return to the small seating area, I flip open the lid. “I don’t have champagne or anything for us, but I have cupcakes.” Everyone reaches into the box and grabs a frosted cake.

“Here’s to Charlie and Bennett, Parisa and Seth, and our night of no inhibitions,” I shout. We all toast with our cupcakes in the air.

* * *

The End
