Page 57 of Knockout

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“Raphael Obolin…Oblong…”


“Maybe,” Ethan said. “I’m not great with names. Anyway, he checked in, and he’s meeting with one of our inmates.”

“Morgan Alakov?”

“Nah…someone else. I’ll have to go look up the name.”

“I’m on my way. Make sure you get it all recorded, all right?”

“Copy that.” Ethan hung up.

Liam grabbed his things and stood. Blake and Jasper were both at their desks, running information on the accountant that Vanguard was looking into. They were trying to nail down the connection between him and the Hurstwhile Center—to see if there was a correlation between that place and the Russian family they were trying to take down.

“I’m headed to the jail. Raphi’s there.”

Jasper asked, “Morgan?”

He shook his head.

“Probably the guy he was talking to in the cafeteria.”

Liam agreed. “Maybe he’s there to pick up whatever they asked him for.” Which Liam would be able to find out since all those conversations were observed. Anything that passed between them could be intercepted.

He slung his backpack over his shoulder and headed for his car.

The drive would take him past the Vanguard building, just off the freeway on the edge of the Benson city limits. He didn’t want to think about Roxie, but that was pretty inevitable at this point.

Five minutes into the twelve-minute drive, he was doing sixty-seven in the fast lane when a Hummer came up behind him. The vehicle sped up and tapped the back of Gage’s car.

Liam gripped the wheel. This was what had happened to Roxie, and it had been the Mark look-alike who’d nearly killed her. He selected on the dash screen to call emergency dispatch, giving his name and badge number. “I need backup now, or there’s going to be a multi-car pileup on the freeway.”

“I’m sorry, sir, we don’t have that badge number on file.”

“Yeah, you do.” It was the same number his dad had worn. When Liam graduated from the police academy, the chief at the time had asked if he wanted his father’s badge, and Liam had told him yes without hesitating.

“That number was retired several years ago when the officer in question was killed.” The dispatcher continued, “Please do not tie up the 911 service with prank calls, sir. Or you will be reported to the police. This is your one and only warning.”


The dispatcher hung up.

Liam gaped at the screen. Behind him, the Hummer slammed into the back of the car again. Liam gripped the wheel. A car pulled alongside him, and he glanced over in time to see the rear driver’s side window lowering. An AR-15 leaned out the window.

Uh-oh.Liam squeezed the wheel and swung it right, directly into the side of their car. It sped to the right and slammed into another car.

Both spun out. The Hummer engine roared behind him.

Liam spotted the exit for Vanguard and pointed his car toward it, flipping on lights and sirens in case it gave someone an extra second to get out of his way.

He barreled down the exit lane with the Hummer right behind him.

Bullets peppered the back window from someone leaning out the passenger side window. Glass shattered. Rounds pinged off the side and back of the car.

Liam ducked his head.

He turned the corner at the bottom of the off-ramp and, at the last second, had to swerve around a Prius.
