Page 6 of Knockout

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He took a step since being visible to the driver meant he wasn’t looking at the passenger side—where Blake headed for the rear door—and repeated his command.

The rear door could be locked or unlocked.

Lord, help us.

He took another step. “You’re under arrest.”

“Approaching the passenger side.” The notification came from Blake through his headphones.

Liam stepped out wide so he’d be able to see in the window. The suspect was low-level and Russian-connected. The brother of a guy they’d brought in months ago, who had lawyered up and refused to talk.

Now they needed to talk to Morgan. The arrest warrant was for multiple counts of domestic battery as well as possession with intent to sell. He’d evaded custody so far, but if they got him in an interrogation room they could flip him with a deal to give them information on the Russians above him in the hierarchy.

They needed to take down the whole organization. That would start with finding probable cause for a search warrant. Getting into the organization’s financials. Their business practices.

It was the only way to prove it was Nico Obolensky’s brother, Raphi, who had set the bomb that took out the old man, their uncle, a few months ago. He wanted to find the men who were accomplices in the shooting of Benson PD Officer River Gaines, and the injury of his dog. Both had retired since then. Liam owed it to them to work this case.

Underlying that motivation were the Russians’ dealings with his own family. The fact he and Raphi had been duking it out since Liam joined the force six years ago—following in his father’s footsteps. They’d dogged his dad’s steps through his career.

“Step out of the car!” Liam took another step, gaining ground. The suspect could pull a weapon, shoot at them. He was looking around, thinking. Trying to come up with a way out of this. “Hands where I can see them.”

The suspect raised his hands above the ledge so Liam could see his fingers.

“It’s over. Get out.” Liam held his weapon ready but not pointed at the suspect. He wasn’t going to shoot the guy. He’d rather use the stun gun on his belt first if force was necessary.

He unsnapped the clip but didn’t slide the stun gun out.

A woman yelped. The suspect started to yell. Liam shouted again for compliance.

“Got her.” That was Blake.

“Hey, what are you doing?” The suspect, still in the front seat of the car, now started to climb toward the back.

Liam directed the second officer to open the door, then he grabbed the suspect’s shirt and dragged him out of the car. “You’re under arrest.”

“Get off me! Karina, you keep your mouth shut. Don’t tell them anything!” He struggled against Liam’s grasp on his elbow.

“Hands above your head.” The name Karina threw him, but he couldn’t dive into that abyss right now. He had to focus.

The suspect’s raised hands gave Liam a clear look at the man’s belt, clear of a weapon tucked there. Liam backed up, as did the officer behind him. “Turn around slowly. Keep your hands above your head.”

Blake came around the back of the car. “Sarge, switch out.”

Liam frowned. He didn’t ask questions, knowing the only reason Blake would ask to trade places was if the innocent were secure and there was a good reason.


Veronika’s sister.

Veronika had been his confidential informant with the Russians up until a few months ago when she was killed for it. He’d left Karina alone after that, unable to face her. He’d met them early on in his rookie days when they’d been in high school. Now they were early twenties, and he’d had to watch Karina bury her sister.

Because of him.

Blake took up Liam’s position, so he rounded the back of the car and headed to where the woman sat on the curb. One SWAT officer watched over her, and Jasper wasn’t far away since he’d landed the drone.

She looked up, and Liam’s heart sank. “Karina.” What was she doing with the Russians? He crouched in front of her. “You wanna tell me why you’re riding shotgun on my arrest?”

She blinked, and her eyes filled with tears. “Liam.” Those tears rolled down her face. “I think I need help.”
