Page 62 of Knockout

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Sure, it could have been a clerical error. A simple mistake. But not likely.

The female federal agent looked at her partner-husband. “I like both of them.”

He gave her an indulgent smile in response.

“What about Liam?” Roxie wasn’t going to let the danger to him go.

His heart squeezed in his chest. She was invested in his well-being—which meant she cared about him.

Clare nodded. “Simon found the names of the two officers who showed up at the house where you and Peter were talking to the accountant’s mother—”

“I asked about Liam.” She didn’t sound like she was being short with her boss, but her tone was clipped.

“It’s connected,” Clare said. “They’re on the payroll at the Hurstwhile Center as security guards.”

Liam didn’t see much wrong with that. “A lot of cops have second jobs to pay the bills.” What he should be doing right now was confirming whether Raphi really had met with a guy at the jail. “That doesn’t necessarily mean anything.”

Even as he said it, his mind rolled around the implications. The accountant connected Hurstwhile to the Russians. Now the police were also connected? Too many coincidences?

Clare said, “Turnbull is also on the list.”

Liam’s stomach clenched. “I never completely believed what he said happened to my father.” The story had been a little too simple, and when an officer lost their life in the heat of the moment, things were never clean-cut.

Not like that.

“Here’s what we’re going to do.” Clare glanced at the door. Through the glass, he spotted the SWAT truck pull up. “Gage and the boys are going to take you back to work, and you’re all going to pretend it’s business as usual. Meanwhile, I’m going to tear apart the lives of a handful of cops and find any indication, if it exists, that they are either in something together, on the take, or part of a conspiracy.”

Liam blew out a breath. “This wasn’t how I thought this would go.”

Clare said, “Your father wasn’t dirty. He was the first one I looked at. There is not one single indication in any part of his life that he was connected or actively covering anything up. Nothing.”

Liam let out a breath that felt like he’d been holding it for ten years. “Thank you.”

Clare nodded.

The doors slid open, and the guys strode in.

“I filled them in,” Clare said. “And I need to go check in with my people collecting evidence so we can find those people who came here and shot at one ofmyfriends.” She got up and walked away, followed by the two feds and the police dog.

Gage headed for her while Blake and Jasper came toward him. Roxie and Liam both stood.

Liam asked them, “You guys ever heard of a Northwest Counter-Terrorism Taskforce?”

Blake frowned. “Sounds cool, but is it a thing?”

Jasper scratched at his jaw. “My dad had something going on with them a year or so back. They’re renegades, but they’re good people.”


Roxie squeezed his hand. “I should get to work. Please have a doctor look at you.”

He wasn’t prepared to commit to that. “Be careful.”

“I should say the same to you.” To his surprise, she lifted up on the balls of her feet and kissed his cheek. Then she was gone.

“Back to work?” Jasper turned for the door. “This has been an eventful morning training exercise.”

“Sure has,” Blake said.
