Page 74 of Knockout

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The SUV slammed back to the ground.

Someone grabbed her.

Roxie screamed.


“Iguess Bob volunteered toprotectyour mom.”

Liam spun around and got in Jasper’s face, his hands balling into fists at his sides. “What did you just say?”

Fear flickered in Jasper’s eyes, not that he had anything to be afraid of—except getting suspended by his sergeant.

Gage slapped a hand on the front of Liam’s vest, keeping him where he was. “Easy.”

“Dude. That’s his mom.” Blake was holding it together a whole lot better than Liam right now.

“We don’t need to surmise why Bob was here.” Gage folded his arms. “We need to confirm it was the same people that took both women.”

“The two events happened close together in time.” Liam had been thinking about this while also thinking about Roxie and where she might be. Why had there been that tension in her stance, and why had she put distance between them? “If they drove between, it could’ve been the same people. But what’s the correlation between Destiny and Mom?”

Gage said, “You and Roxie.”

“So am I the target or is she?” Liam frowned. “If it’s dirty cops, then why take Destiny and make Roxie a part of it? And if it’s Mark—Brad—then why involve my family?”

“Didn’t Vanguard say they’d found some indication Brad was a hit man for hire, who’d kept a record of his kills?” Gage asked. “Maybe he worked for the Russians.”

“That means you’ve got to connect the Russians and the dirty cops that work for Hurstwhile.”

Blake’s expression hardened. “Maybe the whole thing is connected. All of it. Everyone.”

Gage’s phone rang. Liam’s started to vibrate in his pocket. Blake shifted, then Jasper, as though the same thing was happening to them.

The lieutenant said, “Let’s go.”

At the same time, Liam read the text on his watch. “Bomb detonation?” In a residential area?

They headed out the door of his mom’s house, leaving the officers and crime scene techs to finish up. The evidence collected would seal the case for whoever had taken his mom. But he was going to be there when they found her, got her back, and cuffed the people who took her. Same with Destiny.

This wasn’t going to end up a homicide investigation—not if he had anything to do with it.

Liam climbed into the driver’s seat. “Where?”

Doors shut. Seat belts clicked in. Gage gave him the street address.

Liam hit the gas. “That’s where Obolensky lives.”

Ten minutes later, they pulled onto the street, into an ocean of blue and red flashing lights. Police cars. Fire trucks. The firefighters had their hose out already and were spraying the SUV down. An ambulance passed them. The sirens came on, and it headed in the direction of the hospital, moving fast.


Gage reached over and squeezed his shoulder. “Park and let’s go find her.”

They piled out and jogged. She’d been headed for safety, so far as he knew. He ran for the closest firefighter and grabbed his turnout coat, spinning the guy around to get in his face. And got a Halligan bar pressed to his ribs—which he supposed was the firefighter equivalent of holding a gun on someone.

“How many people were in there?”

The guy blinked, and the Halligan lowered. “Step off.”
