Page 63 of Dust and Ashes

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And it was hope that kept her moving toward what God might have for her. The future she wanted. A life in the light, full of the kind of peace she’d never felt before outside of tiny glimpses.

“Call the doctor,” Kenna ordered. “Get him here so he can try and save this woman.”

Ramon started to argue.

“Just do it.” She wasn’t in the mood to listen to someone debate while a woman’s life drained into the carpet.

“Maybe you should have just taken some medical training.” Ramon pulled out his phone, dialed a number, and spoke in rapid-fire Spanish. When he ended the call, he said, “Or I should have. If we knew how to stop the bleeding and fix her up, we could get her to tell us what happened.”

“Now you’re getting it.”

Navarro strode in at full speed and pulled up short. “What is this?” He kicked the nanny’s foot.

Maizie let out a whimper.

“The doctor is on his way,” Ramon said.

“Take her outside and finish what this”—he used a Spanish word she didn’t know, a descriptor for the man who had stolen the boy—“started when he took my nephew.” Navarro squeezed his hands into fists, making the tendons in his forearms flex. Added to the red face and the bulging vein in his forehead, she guessed the guy was about to blow. “Then the two of you will go find my nephew.”

“We need her alive so she can tell us who did this.” Kenna used a softer tone, but she wasn’t about to back down. And she wouldn’t let anyone take the life of this woman simply because she had chosen the wrong employment opportunity. “Unless you have that information this woman needs to live.”

“Graciela should have fought until her last breath to save my nephew.”

Kenna wasn’t going to point out that it looked like that’s exactly what happened. “The doctor is coming, and we’re going to try and get information from her. She could tell us why your nephew was abducted from this house and who did it.”

Behind Navarro, Maizie shifted, drawing Kenna’s attention.

Kenna said, “What is it?”

Navarro spun around to the teen, who tapped furiously on her phone.

Kenna didn’t ease up on the pressure she had on the nanny’s wounds, but she would turn it over to Ramon if she had to. For now she watched carefully to ensure the cartel leader wasn’t going to approach the girl under Kenna’s protection. “What do you have?”

Maizie turned the screen so she could see it. “Who is this?”

A shadowed figure carried a child over his shoulder, the footage from a paused video on the phone. Maizie had accessed whatever security system Navarro had in place.

The cartel leader stiffened.

Ramon said, “How did you—”

Kenna cut him off, not needing them to get into the fact Maizie had hacked them. Not when it could mean the difference between a child being recovered rather than found dead. “That’s Kart.”

“This man came into my home and stole from me?” Navarro flinched, every inch of him a brutal cartel leader. He spun back to Kenna. “Find him.Now.” Then he whirled around and stormed out.

Ramon let out a tight hiss between his teeth. “He’s not going to let that go. It’s not his priority right now to do anything but find his nephew before Kart gets off the property, but you can be sure he will come after you about getting into his computer network.”

Maizie’s face had paled.

Kenna didn’t like the look of fear in the teen’s eyes. She turned back to the nanny, Graciela, and refocused on Ramon. “He can try. But if he wants to come after us, then he’s going to realize eventually that there is no way for him to find us. We can hide.”

Regardless of that, there were other ways to end this than to simply run forever. They could make a deal with Navarro—finding his nephew in exchange for him dropping the issue of the hacking.

But she would have to see how this played out.

The doctor strode into the room. “I came as fast as I could.” He pulled up short. “You.”

“Yeah, me,” Kenna said. “Blah-blah. Whatever. Help this woman.”
