Page 5 of Endless Whispers

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“Wonderful.” He clapped his hands together. “This position has gone unfilled for far too long. It’s been a very sore spot and starting to draw the wrong kind of attention. I guess all that is left to say is: how soon can you start?”

“Straight away,” Charlize replied, then felt self-conscious of how eager she seemed. “I just finished a consulting job and was planning to head to the West Coast for an opportunity, but honestly, this is a much easier logistical option for me.”

“Wonderful. Avalon, in Human Resources, will be in touch to get you onboarded tomorrow. You’ll need to meet with Brenda and Naomi right away. Can you be free for dinner tonight?”

“They head up the board?” She blushed a bit. “Sorry, I’ll be honest, I’ve been a little fixated on my next role that might move me cross-country. This opportunity came on my radar very quickly. I’d usually be more prepared with research and understanding the ins and outs of leadership in the company. I’m a bit embarrassed. I’m not sure I can make it to dinner tonight.”

In reality she knew more about the people pulling the strings and the structure of the organization than most of the public did. That was all thanks to the recon the Kinross team had done for her. But it behooved her to give Mr. Floover the upper hand. His ego would love the power.

“Don’t worry a bit. We’ll skip dinner tonight and you can meet everyone in the office in the coming days. I know we sprung this on you. I’m so glad to have snapped you up before you headed out west. I can assure you this job will be more lucrative than anything you’d have lined up.”

“Lucrative and nonprofit don’t usually get thrown around together.” She kept her expression doe-like and curious. “You must be doing something special here.”

“The grants will be rolling in once you’re on board, I can feel it.” He clapped his hands together to punctuate their meeting and stood. “Oh, and what are you doing next Friday night?”

She blinked hard at him. The Charlize he was interviewing wouldn’t know about the gala coming up. She’d be taken aback by his question, so she acted the part. “Um, next Friday night?”

“Sorry, that probably sounded like I was asking you out on a date.” His laughter boomed all around her. “I’ll have to get to know you a little better before I do that. We actually have a gala next week. There will be some very important people there who have been clamoring to know if we’ve secured someone for the grant writing role. They’ll be relieved to see you there. I know it’s a lot to ask on short notice but I feel like you’d be able to put on a fancy dress and pull it off.” The creepy double meanings were turning her stomach.

“I’d be happy to attend. Should I bring my husband?”

Without an ounce of effort to hide his dismay, Mr. Floover deflated. “Sure you can. Dates are customary.”

She tried to save the interaction. “He hates galas and events. I usually have to drag him around while he pouts. If he looks like someone kicked his dog, don’t take it personally. And bring me drinks, I’ll need it.” She rolled her eyes and watched a little light return to Floover’s face.

“Will do,” he smiled back. “Corporate events aren’t for everyone. You have to really enjoy and appreciate the finer things.”

“I do, so you’ll have to keep me company.” With a quick wave, she left the room and strode back toward the elevator confidently. It was a checklist. Tasks that needed to be done in order for the real work to begin. And she had that feeling. That sense that things were starting. And she knew she and Mick together wouldn’t be stopped.



It would have been pointless for Charlize to have tried on any other dresses. The red one with the lace trim that hugged her waist perfectly was it. That was obvious now as she stood in front of the floor-length mirror at the corporate housing apartment, unnecessarily scrutinizing her reflection in the stunning red dress.

He wasn’t a fashion expert or anything but he could easily tell the dress was the perfect combination of sophistication and allure, making her look every bit the part of a wealthy, well-dressed gala attendee. They both knew that appearances mattered in this line of work, and right now, she had to play the part of a woman who belonged in high society.

With a satisfied smile, she turned to Mick and posed playfully. He had been patiently waiting, knowing better than to rush her through her makeup and hair routine. That never turned out well for any man in history.

"Well, what do you think?" Charlize asked, giving a little twirl to showcase the dress.

Mick's eyes widened ever so slightly as he looked up at her. "You look... amazing," he stammered, unable to lie or pretend he wasn’t floored by her. Charlize always had a way of surprising him. Sometimes with a bright smile. Other times with a punch to his arm to scold him for a dumb joke. She kept him on his toes.

"Thank you," she replied with a playful grin. "Now, all I need is some sparkling jewelry that makes my neck itch and to slip on the most uncomfortable pair of heels I’ve ever worn. By the end of the night you’ll need to carry me home.”

Mick finally stood up, trying to keep his expression cool. "You know I’ll piggy back your ass anywhere. And listen, I’m not too thrilled about my outfit. A tux feels like a strait jacket and my shoes aren’t too forgiving either.” He gestured down at the shiny black shoes he’d reluctantly forced his feet into.

“I’ll be happy to trade you for these.” She waved the high heels in his direction.

Mick held up his hands in mock surrender. "Not a chance.”

Charlize looked suddenly somber as she glanced at the clock over his shoulder. “I need tonight to go well. We need progress. I’ve been in the office for the last week, pretending to be an expert grant writer, using all my skills to help these monsters win more money to fund their crimes. But I’ve got nothing of any use so far. I’m asking the right questions, but everyone is dancing around the answers.”

“It’ll take time. You’re building trust,” Mick reassured her, stopping himself from reaching out to touch her shoulder. That’s what he would have done before. Back when they were friends and partners. Instead he stuffed his hands in his pockets and tried to stay focused on the job at hand. "I'll be working my angle too, trying to connect with the distribution side of things. We'll need to discreetly gather as much information as we can before we make any moves."

Charlize sighed. Patience was an elusive virtue. "We can't afford to mess this up, Mick. There are innocent lives at stake, especially those children."

“And we’ll help them.” He drew in a deep breath. “Just one step at a time.”
