Page 10 of Blood Bound

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Three hours later, we raided all the churches and found the Death’s Temple hunters – all but Katherine and the raven-haired bitch.

“Well, there’s torture at least,” I say, stringing one of them up against a barb-wired fence around the perimeter of the last church we’re searching. “I know you like that bit.”

“It relieves my stress,” Andreas says, snapping a head clean off and stomping on it. “These cunts deserve so much more than a quick death.”

“Fucking hear you, brother,” I say, just as I catch the faintest whiff of caramel in the breeze… before hearing the light thrumming of two heartbeats.

Andreas sees the grin on my face and frowns. “What?”

“They’re here,” I say, holding my head up to the breeze while straining my ears for those heartbeats. “Caramel; that’s what little Katherine smells like.”

I look down at the ground but see nothing out of place, and then, as I walk to the back of the church, I step over a flowerbed and nearly trip.

But that’s when I hear it, a hollow thump where my boot lands.

I get to my feet and call Andreas over before stomping hard against the soil. “There’s something here,” I say, and just as I give it another stomp, the top breaks open. The fuckers didn’t even think to use steel but wood.

Something shoots past me when I pop the top, and I realize it’s a wooden bullet. Their hearts are both thumping like crazy, and the scent of anxiety wafts up from beneath me. Letting out a chuckle, I sit down on my ass and shake my head.

“Wood won’t do jack shit; you know that,” I say.

“Yea, but it will sting like a bitch and cause the area to go numb,” the raven-haired cunt calls up, sounding cocky as shit. “Wanna come down here to see if I have one of those little baobab stakes, Priest?”

I can’t help but grin at this one’s sass; she’ll die last. “I don’t think so; why don’t you come on up so we can talk?”

“Talk? Ha! You’ll have to drag us out of here,” she says. When I look up at Andreas, he’s wearing a grin and holding a pepper grenade. My grin matches his when I see what he’s contemplating.

“Or we could just smoke you out,” he says before pulling out the pin and dropping it down the shaft.

Spluttering, coughing, and vomiting, the two eventually clamber out of their underground hiding place and crawl over the ground. They’re both still wearing the same clothes from when they left.

We watch them fighting to breathe but don’t do anything to help them, enjoying their little bit of suffering before the torture truly starts.

I walk over to Katherine and pull her to her feet; she reeks of blood, sweat, and dust but the defiance in her red-rimmed eyes is unmistakable. She knows what’s about to happen, and yet she still wants to fight me.

“Do your worst, Priest,” she sputters, tears and snot running down her face. “Whatever you have planned, I’ve had worse.”

I scoff and shoot her a crimson eyed-glare while gripping the scruff of her dress. “Oh, little lamb, you have no fucking idea who you’re dealing with. I’m going to take my time with you, and when I’m done, you’ll be begging me for your death.”


Xenia and I look at one another when we hear the screams and heavy footfalls above us. We shouldn’t allow them to fight our battles, but if I die, then the guild dies with me. They’ve found us; somehow, they fucking found us, and if they know we’re down here, then we’re dead.

“We need to make him understand that you didn’t fire that shot,” Xenia whispers, pacing the floor on her sprained ankle.

I shake my head. “What good will that do? She died with one of our bullets in her heart, Xen; in his eyes, I might as well have fired it,” I say, thinking back to how Gabriel’s eyes were blazing with hurt and anger.

“I won’t let anything happen to you, okay? I promised your father that I would always be at your back looking out for you,” she says.

Wrapping my arms around her, I hold her tight and hope that it wouldn’t need to come to that. That Gabriel would leave here so we can find a way out of Vegas to nurse our wounds.

She lets go of the embrace, looks at me, and sighs then crosses her arms and continues her pacing. We’re trapped down here until they leave; the good sign was that none of my men told them where we were.

Loyal soldiers are getting ripped apart while I’m down here like a sitting duck, waiting for either freedom or death.

But then my heart drops when I hear footfalls coming towards where we were. They can’t possibly have known we’re down here! However, when I hear mumbling and someone stomping on the wooden lid entrance, I know I am wrong.

As soon as the lid gets ripped off, Xenia fires a shot and proceeds to banter with the man who wants my head on a pike. Before I can tell her to stop, something gets thrown down into the bunker, and we both sprint for the top. Fucking pepper grenades! They’re using my own shit against me!
