Page 76 of Blood Bound

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“What the f–” I silence her complaint by thrusting harder, smoothing my palm over the flushed skin. “Gabriel…”

“Say what you want, I felt the way your pussy tightened when I did that. See?” Another smack and she throws her head back, moaning loudly. “Do you want more, little lamb?”


“More lies, Katherine? Have we learned nothing?” Another soft caress while I pound inside of her, followed by a slap that actually makes her scream.

“I’m… not…” she whimpers. “It’s… ah, fuck… degrading—”

“Your pussy throbbing on my cock says a different thing, sweet girl. Why do you feel degraded while I’m doing nothing but worshiping your body, hmm?” Smack. “Fuck, you’re beautiful. So fucking perfect and made just for me.” Smack.

Her body shudders every time my palm meets her skin, her pussy slick with desire from both the punishment and the praising. I extend my fangs and cut open my wrist, holding it to her mouth, and she readily drinks from me.

“My Fated, my love, my Queen;Inima mea îti apartine. Now, always, forever. Come for me and scream out the name of the one you belong to.”

The moment she calls out my name, I lean over her and again I extend my fangs - sinking them deep in the nape of her neck where her pulse is throbbing wildly. Her scream tapers off into a moan and I continue to slam inside of her with bloodlust coursing through my body.

They say the blood of your Fated is sweeter and more addictive than Fae blood and they weren’t fucking joking. The second her blood meets my tongue, I lose all fucking reason. I find my release inside of her and for the first time in my life; I feel complete.

A sense of serenity enters my body and the more I drink of her, the more peaceful I feel.

Then when I finally open my eyes, I see the Red Thread and my heart explodes with an unknown emotion and it causes my vision to blur with unshed tears.

“Gabriel…” she whispers my name, turning her head to face me with crimson eyes. I withdraw from her and take her in my arms and she straddles me, her lips meeting mine in a bloody kiss.

We break off the kiss and I hold her close, wrapping my arms around her body and feeling so perfectly serene. My tears slip down her back, the crimson stark against her perfectly pale skin and something occurs to me… something I didn’t fucking plan at all.

“I love you, Katherine,” I murmur into her neck, inhaling her scent that seems even more potent than before. I have never felt this emotion before, but I finally know what it is and it’s a glorious feeling.

“I love you too, Gabriel,” she whimpers, her arms wrapped tightly around my neck. I can feel her tears falling down my back as well, and it hits me just how intoxicating the Fated Bond is.

I have my Fated in my arms, the one the Goddess chose for me and we have just Entwined.

My life with my Queen starts today; her life as a vampire starts now.


Kat is going to owe me big time for this. While she’s at home getting her lady bits wrecked, I’m out here feeling awkward as hell with two of the hottest guys in this shady-ass biker bar. She’s lucky that I love her so much.

I never would have expected this town to have a bar like this, seeing that it’s so nose-in-the-air, but I suppose every perfect thing has a hidden flaw. And I’m all for flaws.

Dark corners, wooden exterior with matching barstools, tables, and chairs, and honest to God jukebox blasting Sabbath, leather, scuffed boots, and cigarette smoke.

Yeah, flaws are my thing.

I leave Valentine and Church and walk up to the bar, signaling for the bartender. “Jack and coke - heavy on the Jack,” I order when she approaches, eyeing my chest and smirking.

No fucking idea what she’s eyeing since I’m only dressed in jeans, a black tank top showing no cleavage, and a leather jacket.

She puts the tumbler down in front of me, nodding. “Running a tab?”

“I think I might,” I grumble, handing her my keys and taking a swig of the Jack and coke.

How the fuck did I end up here? I don’t want to admit it to Kat, but I’m miserable as fuck. Watching her and Priest all loved up makes me hate myself more and wish I took that fucking potion, especially since Church seemingly has no interest in me.

I turn my head and see him talking to Valentine, feeling a pull towards him yet again. If he wasn’t completely my type, I might have forgotten about him.

But there’s just something about a dangerous, rugged man dressed in black jeans and leather that gets my bits throbbing like a heavy bass line.
