Page 18 of Sparks Fly

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“What do you want me to say, Dad? I don’t know where Ellie is. I assume she’s in her room.”

It’s a complete lie. I know exactly where she is and who she’s with, but I’m not about to tellhim. She’s done nothing wrong and while it may have taken me some time to realise it, she deserves to be happy.

Dad gets up from the table, leaving his dirty dishes for the maid–Mum. “Her bedroom door was open, and her bed hasn’t been slept in.”

Rookie mistake, little sister. Rookie mistake.

“I’m sure she just stayed at Sophie’s.”

“She’s not answering her phone. She has a flight to catch in four hours. Did you see her last night?”

She owes me big time for this.

“Dad, she’s eighteen. Last night was New Year’s Eve. I’m sure she was just having some fun with her friends and they’re still sleeping. You’re going to have to let her off the leash at some point. Fuck me.”

I make an attempt to walk away, but I’m too slow. Dad lunges, gripping my shirt in his fists and yanking me to eye-level with him. My feet nearly leave the ground and I try not to let my fear show through. “Listen to me,” he spits. “I’ve had enough of your smartass mouth. You’d better watch yourself or–”


Dad quickly releases my shirt as Mum steps further into the kitchen. I shove him away and struggle to gain my feet. “What on earth is going on here?”

“I was just asking Conrad if he knows where Ellie is,” Dad says, smoothing down his shirt.

I drop my eyes when Mum looks to me for confirmation. “She’s probably at Sophie’s,” she explains when I refuse to speak.

“Of course she is,” he says with forced enthusiasm. “I’m going to go get changed, maybe get a workout in.” He leaves the room, brushing a kiss to Mum’s cheek.


“Don’t.” I shake my head. Protein shake forgotten, I grab a banana from the fruit bowl. “I’m going for a run.”

* * *

SWEAT DRIPS DOWN my back as my feet pound the pavement. Despite the sticky summer heat, I’m pushing myself harder than usual. The roar of the waves and the pounding of my heart in my ears aren’t enough to block out the anger. This morning is the closest we’ve ever come to physical violence, and if Mum hadn’t walked in when she did…fuck.

Nothing I ever do is good enough. I bust my ass on the field and it’s never good enough. I’m always “too slow” or “undisciplined.”. There’s no pleasing him. Wes and Ryker, however, he’ll brag about to anyone who’ll listen. I don’t know why I even bother trying to please the bastard anymore. It’s starting to affect my love of the game.

I run along the beach until I reach the surf club. Despite the early hour on New Year’s Day, the beach is already packed with surfers taking advantage of the cracking swell and families looking to beat the heat. I don’t spot anyone stepping onto the sidewalk until I crash straight into her. On instinct, my hands shoot out to steady her by her arms.

“Watch it!” she cries out. Her eyes snap up to meet mine and her cheeks flush as we recognize each other–it’s Ivy. She glances over her shoulder to where Brady is unstrapping their boards from his car.

I mutter an apology and let go of her, lacing my fingers behind my neck in an effort to keep my hands to myself. “I didn’t see you there.”

“Clearly,” she snaps, rubbing her shoulder. My eyes drop to the yellow bikini top she’s wearing–and my mouth goes dry. Her wetsuit is peeled down to her waist, giving me an uninterrupted view of her toned stomach that was clenching under my touch last night. I’m able to see when her nipples pebble, and I remember the sweet little noises she made as my tongue swirled around them. “My eyes are up here, asshole,” she hisses, keeping her voice low.

“About last night–”

“Forget about it, Conrad. I already have.”Ouch.She glances over at her brother again. “You need to go before Brady sees you. He doesn’t want you anywhere near me.”

“What about you?” I take a cautious step forwards. My lips tug up into a satisfied grin at the way her breathing stutters.

“I don’t want to be near you, either.” She scowls, but I don’t miss the hitch in her voice.

“You sure about that, Princess?” I take another step. We’re playing with fire here, but Brady is too preoccupied to notice me. Inches separate me from Ivy, and the air between us crackles with electricity. I was half hard the second I saw her, but the longer I stand there, more blood rushes south.

“Yes,” she breathes out. But her body says the opposite. Those sparkling green eyes dart down to my lips–briefly, but still.

“You sure you don’t want to kiss me right now?”
