Page 20 of Sparks Fly

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“We’re just worried about you.”

“I appreciate that, but I’m not the first person to go through this, and I won’t be the last.” Without waiting for a reply, I paddle away to catch the next wave.

Brady and I grew up on surfboards. Being out on the water has always been therapeutic to us. When we were younger, Dad competed all around the world, letting us kids tag along with him. Brady got really good–better than Dad really. But an accident during a big competition took him out of the circuit completely. Around that same time, our parents separated. Sometimes I wonder if he regrets it, but he never talks about that time in his life.

I watch in awe as he carves up his next wave, shaking my head with a smile when he pulls off an impressive alley-oop. “Show off,” I laugh as he approaches again. He’s beaming from ear to ear “Do you miss competing?”

“Not really.” I raise my eyebrows in question and he just shrugs. “I lost the passion for it after what happened at Trop Sets. I’m happy just being on the water. No pressure.”

“What about now that Mum’s dating Alec?”

“Alec understands why I gave it up.”

I worry my bottom lip. “Has Dad said anything to you about them?”

Brady narrows his eyes. His relationship with our dad is still… strained to put it nicely. “Like what? He has no right to have any say in who Mum sees after what he did.”

“I know. But it must be weird for him. They were friends.”

Brady just shrugs again. I leave it, not wanting to be the one to upset him. I decide to change the subject. “So, what tricks are you going to teach me today, big shot?”

He gives me a shit-eating grin. “Have you been working on your tail slide?” I groan–he knows full well that I haven’t. “Let’s see it then.”

* * *

BRADY PUT ME through my paces. Every muscle in my body aches as I stand under the outdoor shower of the surf club, but I was grateful for the distraction. Now that I don’t have it, my eyes keep drifting to the changerooms–and my mind to Conrad.

I meant what I told him: we can’t keep having sex. There’s no denying the sexual chemistry between us is off the charts, but that’s all it is–biology. He’snota nice guy. He jumped Harley and antagonised Jordan and Ronnie last year. There’s no way anyone in my life would be happy if they found out I’ve been hooking up with him.

“You ready?” Brady asks, pulling me from my thoughts. I flush despite the cold water pouring over me. “Wren and Harley are going to meet us for breakfast.”

I swallow my guilt and turn off the taps. Brady hands me a towel, leaving me to dry off as he carries our boards to the car. While he straps it on the roof, I slip into a sundress and wring out my hair. “Is Ellie coming?”

I love Ellie but seeing her right now would just lead my mind back to Conrad. I don’t realise I’m holding my breath until Brady shakes his head and I release it. “No, it’s just the four of us.”

“Awesome. Can’t wait.”

Brady arches his brow, but he doesn’t say anything else. We lock our things in the car and cross the road to Patty’s where our friends have already gotten us a booth. I slide in next to Harley, averting my eyes as Brady greets my best friend with a kiss.

“Can we avoid the PDA this early in the morning?” I groan. I’m happy that my two favourite people are happy, but it’s still weird watching them make out.

Harley chuckles as Brady rolls his eyes. Wren’s cheeks go pink, and she squeaks out an apology before hiding her face behind the menu–though she doesn’t need it. She gets the same thing every time: pancakes with vanilla ice cream and blueberry sauce.

The waitress comes over to take our order and my mouth waters in anticipation of the breakfast burrito.

“How was the surf?” Harley asks after she leaves. He stifles a yawn and rubs a hand over his tired face.

I open my mouth to answer, but I’m distracted by a loud cheer coming from the pool tables in the back corner. My eyes drift over towards the noise and my face flushes when I spot Conrad high fiving a group of guys. I squeeze my thighs together, furious about the way my body reacts to him.

“Ivy?” Harley snaps his fingers in my face to get my attention.

“Huh?” I blink, returning my focus to the table. Wren’s eyeing carefully. She glances over her shoulder, confusion painting her features. When she turns back to look at me, I try to keep my face impassive.

“Forever Summer just announced they’re headlining the Byron Bay Music Fest in the middle of next month. Apparently Queen of Candy pulled out. Ellie might be able to get us tickets. You interested?”

I stare at Harley dumbfounded. Forever Summer is only my favourite band of all time. “Are you serious?” I shake my head in disbelief when he nods. “Yes! Oh my god! This is insane.”

“Sweet.” Harley and Brady grin as they slap hands across the table.
