Page 21 of Sparks Fly

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Our food is delivered, and I dig into my breakfast burrito. Forever Summer? A weekend away with my friends? Excitement builds in my stomach. This year is starting to look up.

Wren is the next one to break the silence. “When does Ellie leave for the Northern Territory?” Ellie is studying teaching like me, just a year behind. First year students are offered a cultural experience in an indigenous community, helping to set up the school for the year by sorting through donations of stationary and educational resources. I did it myself and I loved it.

“This afternoon,” Harley says with a smile. “She’s really excited.”

“She’s going to have the best time,” I agree, trying to focus on the conversation and not on the maddening blond-haired man who’s just noticed my presence. His eyes find mine from across the room as he removes his baseball cap and runs his hands through those luscious blond curls before replacing it. My stomach flutters, but I force myself to look away. “Will Ellie be back in time for the festival?”

Harley nods. “She gets back the weekend before.”

“And her parents will let her–”

“Hey guys.” I almost choke on nothing when I look up into Conrad’s ice blue eyes. My whole body feels like it’s on fire. “Has Ellie gone home? Dad was looking for her this morning.”

Brady’s eyes narrow. Wren places her hand over his, but she looks right at me. I drop my head, shovelling my food in my mouth. I’ve lost my appetite, but I’m desperate for something else to do.

Harley rubs the back of his neck, looking extremely uncomfortable. “Yeah, she left early this morning.”

Conrad nods. “Thanks.” I canfeelhis eyes on me, but I refuse to look at him. He awkwardly clears his throat. “Well, I’ll catch you around.”

The second he walks away I excuse myself to the bathroom to regain my composure. When I step out of the stall, I come face to face with Wren.

“What was all that about?”

I feign ignorance as I move past her to wash my hands. “What?”

“You and Conrad.”

A sense of déjà vu hits me as I give her a similar response to the one I gave Brady. “I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “I’m your best friend, Ivy. You could cut the tension between you two with a knife.”

I shrug. “I don’t know what to tell you. I can’t stand the guy.” My eyes catch my reflection in the mirror and my stomach twists. I no longer recognise the girl staring back at me. The girl I used to be would never have slept with someone like Conrad.


“Wren.” I roll my eyes and stalk over to the bathroom door. “Seriously. There’s nothing going on with me and Conrad. Not now, and not ever.”

“Okaaaay.” She clearly doesn’t believe me. “I just want you to be careful.”

“Noted, but there’s nothing to be careful about. Now please drop it.” I pause with my hand on the door and turn back to face her. “And don’t say anything to Brady.”

“According to you there’s nothing to tell,” she says with a shrug.

I leave her in the bathroom and return to the table, but I feel sick with guilt. Lying sucks.



I ALREADY KNEW Ellie was at home–she’d texted me when she left Harley’s to see how much shit she was going to be in. Clearly, I’m a glutton for punishment. I didn’t miss the way Ivy’s eyes darted to Harley. And I especially didn’t miss the way they were looking anywhere but at me. I know Ivy feels guilty about us, but I can’t seem to keep away from her.

I leave Patty’s after that, heading home to see Ellie before she leaves. With Mum working long hours at the firm, I’ll be stuck at the house with Dad while we’re both on summer break. Fucking joy.

I greet Mum in the kitchen with a kiss on the cheek. “Hey, honey.” She tucks my hair behind my ear. “How was your run?”

“It was… fine.” I clear my throat, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge to cool my horny ass down. “What time are you leaving for the airport?”

“Twenty minutes. Are you sure you don’t want to come? We’re going to stop in and visit your brothers.”
