Page 43 of Sparks Fly

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“Oh, Conrad–I forgot to tell you. My cousin came through with those tickets you wanted for the festival.”

Conrad clears his throat and I can’t help but look at him–and I immediately wish I hadn’t. Those piercing blue eyes are locked onto me “Thanks, man.”

I tear my gaze away to focus on the ice cream in my hand. It could have nothing to do with us. Harley said Ellie could get us tickets–this is just a coincidence.

“It was quite a feat, getting ten tickets. I’ve been thinking about that little favour you promised.”

My stomach drops. Thatisa lot. Why would Conrad need that many?

“We don’t have to talk about it now, Rupert.” Conrad’s tone leaves no room for discussion. “Whatever it is, I’m sure we can work it out.”

Rupert chuckles as he claps Conrad on the shoulder. “That’s what I like to hear, my man! Come past my party on Saturday and you can grab them.”

“Sure. Thanks.”

I pass the triple scoop cone over the counter to a little girl with pigtails. She grins up at me with a gap-toothed smile while her mother hands me some cash. I swallow down my nerves as I head toward the cash register where Wren is still serving Conrad and his mates.

“Hey Ivy,” Conrad says quietly.

“Conrad.” I keep my eyes down as I count out the change.

“Listen, can we talk when–”

“Sorry, I’m busy.” I close the register and head back down the counter, ignoring the ribbing Conrad is getting behind me. Thankfully there’s another customer waiting–something to keep me busy. I try to shrug off the weight of Conrad’s stare.

I let out a sigh of relief when they leave, and Wren approaches me. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

She laughs. “You’re totally not, but I admire you for trying to convince yourself of that.” She squeezes my shoulder. “You’ve got this.”

I give her a tight smile. “I don’t know about that, but thanks.” I finish serving my customer and head into the kitchen to make a start on the dishes. I thought ignoring Conrad would be easy, but it’s getting harder to do so each time. Am I making the right decision by staying away?



I’M IRRITATED AS fuck that Ivy won’t talk to me. I’m just getting home from working my frustration out on a run when I stop short of my driveway–Dave and Kody are leaning against the hood of their car.

“What’s up guys?” I greet them with a fist bump.

“We’re on our way to Palmer’s,” Dave says with a grimace. “He’s having another party.”

“You don’t look so happy about that.”

“Pre-season training starts in two weeks and all he’s done all off-season is get high, drunk, and have sex with whatever poor, unfortunate girl falls for his bullshit.”

“Dude’s out of control,” Kody adds with a shake of his head.

I can’t argue with that. “Not going to disagree with you there.”

“I even heard from one of the second years that he wants the captaincy. What are we going to do?” Dave asks. “The cocky bastard needs to be taken down a notch.”

“Again, you’re hearing no arguments from me.” I rest my hands behind my head, trying to catch my breath. “I’ve tried talking sense into him a couple of times but he thinks he’s indestructible. He clearly didn’t learn from what happened to Jasper. I’m worried he’s going to be a bad influence on some of the younger players.”

“Maybe we need to rough him up a bit,” Kody suggests, cracking his knuckles.

I shake my head. As much as I’d love to pound the guy, I know he’d go straight to Coach about it. “We do that, and he’ll win the sympathy vote–it’s exactly what he wants. We’ve gotta be smarter about it.”
