Page 42 of Sparks Fly

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Even though the sex is off the charts.The memory of the way his fingers filled me and the way he lapped up every ounce of my release has me squeezing my thighs together.

“I’m not saying you should date him. I’m just saying people can change.”

I chew on my thumbnail, something I haven’t done since I was a child. Wren’s right: people can change. After watching Conrad with the junior surfers, I have to admit I’ve seen a different side to him–one that was hard to hate. But it doesn’t change the fact that Brady will never forgive me if he found out about us.

“Maybe you’re right,” I admit. “Maybe he has changed, but it doesn’t undo his past.”

Wren winces. “I know, but–”

I shake my head. “But nothing. Conrad and I are never going to be a thing.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know. To start with, I think I just need to keep my distance.”

“It’ll be easier once school starts up again. It’s not like you share any classes, and he’ll be busy with footy. Just know I’ve got your back.”

“Thanks.” I pull her in for a hug. “You’re the best.”

Wren gives me a sly grin as we pull apart. “Just out of curiosity… Was he any good? With all that forbidden sexual tension between the two of you…”

I groan and throw a cushion in her direction. “Not helping!”

“Sorry!” she laughs. “But his body isinsane. I need to know if he knows what to do with it.”

“Who knows what to do with what?”

My gaze shoots up to find Brady standing in the doorway, a bag of sushi in his hand.

I shoot a panicked look at Wren. “Killian Walsh from Forever Summer,” she chokes out. “You know, the drummer. We’re just talking about whether he knows what to do with his, uh… drumsticks.”

Brady’s face twists in confusion, before the realization dawns on him and he disappears into the kitchen. “Oh, ew! That’s gross!”

Still, I feel sick that I now have her keeping secrets from her own boyfriend. That’s what tore them apart in the first place. I jump up from the couch and rush into the kitchen, relieving Brady of the bag of food. “Sushi, my favourite! You’re the best brother. Thank you.”

He shakes his head. “You two are acting weird.”

Wren makes a dismissive sound, and they both follow me over to the dining table. “Surely you’d be used to that by now.”

“Whatever,” he says, thankfully dropping the subject as he pulls out his tempura bento box.

Crisis averted–for now. Not that it matters because the topic of Conrad Foster is officially off limits. There’s nothing left to say about it, because I’m not going to have anything more to do with him. I can’t.

“When are you coming home?” Brady asks gracefully through a mouthful of food.

“Aww, miss me?” I quip, fluttering my eyelashes. Brady makes a dismissive sound that makes us laugh. “Once everyone’s home and settled. So, maybe a day or two.”

“Jordan and Ronnie are back, and I was thinking we could all get together for a barbecue this weekend. You know, celebrate or something.”

“Sounds good.”

Just what I need. A chance to hang out with my friends, let everything return to normal, and forget about Conrad.

* * *

A COUPLE DAYS later, I’m clearing tables at the scoop when the door swings open, letting in a blast of hot air. The low timbre of Conrad’s laughter makes me stiffen. Instinctually, I glance towards the counter and find Wren watching me. Rupert the Asshole is with him, along with half the football team. I quickly carry the dishes to the kitchen, wishing I could hide there for the rest of the shift.

Wren’s thankfully in the middle of serving him and his friends, so I move down the counter to greet the other customers that have just arrived. I’m in the process of creating a cookies and cream triple scoop masterpiece when Rupert opens his big mouth. What he says almost has me dropping the cone on the floor.
