Page 54 of Sparks Fly

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My smile fades as I read the text from Ellie. My heart is beating so hard that I feel lightheaded.

ELLIE: I can’t take all the credit… Conrad actually got us the tickets, and he’s coming with a couple of the boys from the team.

JORDAN: Never mind, pretty girl. Your Nan’s birthday is looking better by the second.

RONNIE: Jordan!!! Sorry, Ellie. That’s really nice of Conrad to do that for you guys. Seriously jealous we can’t make it.

HARLEY: Not cool, dude.

WREN: Harsh, Jordan! Tell your brother thanks from us, Ellie.

JORDAN: Sorry, Ellie. Hope you guys have fun next weekend.

WREN: Ivy!!! Where are you babe?! Can you believe we’re going to see Forever Summer?! This is like a dream come true!

IVY: Unbelievable! Thanks Ellie… and tell Conrad thanks. VIP is insane!!!

I feel eyes on me and when I look up, Brady’s staring me down. “What?” I ask, warily.


“Spit it out, B.”

“It’s nothing.” He pushes off my desk and walks over to the door but pauses before leaving. “I’m glad to see you excited about the festival. It’s going to be fun.” He taps on the frame and gives me a tight smile–then he’s gone.

When I hear the front door close, I groan and collapse my pillows. How the hell am I supposed to act normal around Conrad? For an entire weekend–in front of my friends. Especially when just being near him sets my whole body on fire.

I’m not stupid–I know it’s dangerous to keep seeing him. All I know is… I don’t want to stop.



“LET’S PUSH IT out boys,” I grunt. I dig my fingers into the hallowed turf as I crouch into position. Sweat drenches my body as it’s pushed to the limit. The first preseason session is always the hardest, no matter how hard you work in the off season, but there’s more than one person struggling today. Quite a few of my teammates are struggling, gasping for each breath. Dave actually runs off the sidelines to vomit.

Coach’s whistle blows and I push off, pumping my arms as I sprint to the other side of the field. I have about ten seconds before the whistle goes again. My chest is burning. We have three more to go. Another shrill blast. Two. Another. One. Another.Fuck.

I fall to my knees, resting on my heels with my hands behind my head as I suck in the oxygen my lungs are desperately craving. There’re a few groans from the other guys, but I welcome the pain. It’s a nice distraction from the fact that I haven’t heard a single peep from Ivy in three days. I was hoping after our little… whatever we had on Saturday night, she might’ve been a little more receptive. I can’t deny I’m disappointed.

There’s a hardsmackon the back of my head and my cap falls to the ground. “Head in the game, Foster!”

I snatch my hat from the ground and straighten to my full height, scowling at Rupert. “Don’t put hands on me again,Palmer.”

He laughs, holding his hands up. “Sorry, El Capitano. But we’re heading into the weights room.”

I look up backs of my teammates and curse. I push my hair back before replacing my cap and jogging to catch up with the team.

“Something on your mind?” Rupert asks, falling into step beside me.


“Here if you need me, man.”

I manage not to roll my eyes–barely.Sure you are.“I’m good, thanks.” We reach the door to the gym and I stroll through without waiting for him.

Coach spots us as we walk in.Uh oh. “Foster, Palmer!” he barks. “Nice of you ladies to join us. You can take the bench press. Five sets of three reps.”

Fuck my life.Without a word, I storm off to load the bar. Rupert trails behind me like a puppy, still wearing that infuriating grin. Once the weights are in place, I lie on the bench, planting my feet square with my hips.
