Page 73 of Sparks Fly

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I watch her walk off through the crowd until I can’t see her anymore. Only then do I make my way back to camp. I’ve just rounded Jordan’s Kombi when I’m knocked back by a fist hitting my eye. I stagger backwards, landing heavily against the van. I’m seeing fucking stars as I hear my sister cry out.

I’m still trying to clear my vision as I look up and see Tom holding Harley back. Ellie rushes to my side. She brushes her finger over my eye, making me wince. “Are you okay?”


“Good,” she snaps, before her face twists into a scowl. A grunt pushes past my lips as she shoves at my chest. “What the hell, Conrad? What are you playing at with Ivy?”

I hold my hands up in defence. “We’ve been seeing each other.”

“She’s too good for you,” Harley snarls, struggling against Tom’s hold.

“You don’t get to make that decision for her,” Tom grunts, and again I’m surprised that he’s sticking up for me.

“Get off me!”

“Not until you calm the fuck down.”

Harley stills, and Tom loosens his grip, but he doesn’t step away from him. “Why are you sticking up for him?” Harley growls at his brother.Ourbrother.

Tom says, echoes his words from earlier, confirming my thoughts. “Because there’s things you don’t know.”

“You know.” It’s a statement not a question.

His face pales as he looks at me. “You know?”

“I found out this week.”

He lets out a string of curses.

“Know what?” Ellie asks. She plants her hands on her hips as she looks between the three of us. “What’s going on?”

I ignore her, instead focusing on Tom. “How do you know?”

“Your…” He grimaces. “Bill Foster took great delight in dropping hints the day we got busted smoking dope. I questioned Dad when I got home. We were arguing that night when the cops came. I thought one of the neighbours had called about the noise.” He shakes his head. “Anyway, I’ve barely spoken to my old man since that night.”

“Does anyone want to tell us what the hell you’re going on about?” Harley snaps.

I look at Tom for guidance. It’s clear that Harley doesn’t have a clue. Based on the throbbing in my left eye, I’m not keen to be the one to break the news to him.

Tom runs a hand over his face, eyes locked on Harley. “I didn’t know how to tell you.”

“Tell me what?” Harley’s chest rises and falls rapidly with deep heaving breaths.

“Especially after he came home, and you were so excited to see him.”

“Just fucking tell me.”

“Dad had an affair.”

I take a step toward Ellie. “With Mum.”

Her face crinkles in confusion. “What? When? Sam’s been in prison–”

“Twenty-three years ago,” I finish, casting my eyes to the ground. I don’t want to see the moment the truth hits her.

Harley explodes, redirecting his anger to Tom. “Fuck off! Dad would never cheat. He loved Mum. Why are you saying this? And what does it have to do with that piece of shit hooking up with Ivy?”

Ellie lets out a soft gasp as she puts the pieces together. “Connie…”
