Page 72 of Sparks Fly

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The band breaks into the opening riff of “Only with You” and I scream along with the crowd. This was the first song of theirs that Wren and I ever heard, and we know every word. When their drummer, Killian Walsh, breaks into his drum solo, Elias swings his guitar over his shoulder and moves across the front of the stage to interact with the crowd. Wren and I squeal in excitement as he passes us, squeezing each of our hands. We jump up and down, singing the bridge of the song as he spins his guitar back around, his foot on the speaker just to the left of us as he croons the lyrics.

Towards the end of their set, my phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out, grinning when I see a text message from ‘Lucifer’. I angle my phone away from Brady and quickly update Conrad’s contact name before opening his text. It’s a picture of me, grinning at Elias with his hand in mine. Another message comes through underneath:

CONRAD <3: You have the sexiest smile.

My face flushes and I glance over to find him watching me. My smile widens involuntarily as my phone vibrates again. I have to force myself to look away to check my screen.

CONRAD <3: That’s the one, Princess. It takes my breath away to see you so happy.

My stomach flutters, but I don’t have time to think twice as Forever Summer breaks out into Wren’s favourite song, “Wasted Time.” She grabs onto my arm, nails digging into my skin as she pulls me into dance with her and Brady. He laughs as Wren and I sing the lyrics to each other, waving our hands above our heads. But then I focus on the words, my smile fading as the bass guitarist, Asher Cohen, starts singing about losing the girl because he was too stubborn to see what he had in front of him.

I’m seeing my favourite band live, with all of my favourite people. But as I look at Wren sliding into Brady’s arms, all I want is Conrad. I look over at him, emotions swirling inside me, and he narrows his eyes, cocking his head in a silent question.

I worry my bottom lip as I glance back at Brady and Wren, his arms resting loosely around her shoulders as they sing along to the music. On the other side of them, Harley and Ellie mirror their stance. Everyone I know is happy with the person they love. Why can’t I? I know Wren told me I need to talk to Brady, but I forgave them for hiding their relationship from me for so long. Surely he can forgive me, too.

Decision made, I stand on my toes to shout into Brady’s ear. “I’m sorry, but he makes me happy. I hope you can forgive me.”

He looks down at me, brows furrowed, but I’m already walking away. I make a beeline through the crowd and straight into Conrad’s arms. Muscle memory seems to guide his hands to my waist. I reach up, grabbing him around the neck and pulling him down for a kiss. He pulls away and kisses the tip of my nose and spins me to face the stage. I lean back in his arms, smiling as he rests his chin on my head. Wyatt Jones, the keyboardist, is playing the riff that leads into their final song, “Looking for the One”, and I relax into Conrad’s touch, feeling happier than I have in a long time.

His arms possessively tighten around me, and I look over in time to see Tom holding Brady back by a hand on his chest. Wren is pulling on his arm, trying to get his attention. The anger on Brady’s face is enough to have my eyes burning, but what does me in completely is the utter look of betrayal coming from Harley. He shakes his head and pushes through the crowd, and I just turn into Conrad’s chest, unable to look at anyone.



THE CROWD GOES wild as Forever Summer finish their set, but Ivy is tense in my arms. Harley has taken off, and after shooting me an irritated look, Ellie pushes through the crowd after him. Dave has stepped in front of us, bracing for a fight, but Tom seems to have a hold on Brady–for now. He’s got a hand planted on his chest, shouting something at him. The only two oblivious to the drama unfolding around them are Kody and Sophie who are currently making out against the stage.

“Do you want to get out of here?” I shout to Ivy. At her nod, I reach down to take her hand. I pull her behind me until we exit the VIP area and the crowd starts to thin. Once we can talk to each other without shouting, I turn around and tilt her face up to look at me. I brush the tears from her face and press my lips to her forehead.

“I’m sorry,” she sobs. “I fucked everything up.”

“Hey,” I say. “Don’t say that, Princess. They were going to find out sooner or later.”

She sucks in a shaky breath. “Yeah, but I shouldn’t have blindsided Brady like that.”

I run a hand through my hair, unsure of what to say. I’d been caught off guard when she’d made her way through the crowd and kissed me, but I’d had to hold myself back from doing the same when I saw that beautiful smile fade away. “You should go find him. Talk to him.”

“I don’t know where he went.” Ivy shakes her head. “And I don’t want to leave you.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” I tell her. “Call him.”

She sighs and takes out her phone, scrolling to find Brady’s contact. After a second, her face falls. “Straight to voicemail.”

“Call Wren.”

She does, and I find myself breathing a sigh of relief when I hear Wren’s voice come through the phone. “Wren? Where are you? … Yeah, I know… Iknow. I just want to talk to him… Okay, you’ll keep him there? … I’ll be there in a sec… okay. Yep. ‘Bye.”

“Where are they?” I ask, running the back of my knuckles over her wet cheek. I just can’t help it–I need to touch her.

“At the Pelican Bar, near stage two.”

“Do you want me to go with you?”

My stomach twists when she shakes her head. “Wren told me to come alone. He’s really pissed.”

She wouldn’t be in this position at all if it weren’t for me. It doesn’t sit right making her face it alone.

As if Ivy can read my mind, she pulls me in to brush a soft kiss over my lips. “I’ll be fine. I’ll meet you back at camp.”
