Page 56 of Slicer

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I nod my head before shooting her in the leg, and she screams, clutching the wound with panic and disbelief in her eyes.

"You thought I would just stand by and let you try to sell my daughter? I mean if you were forced, then I may have had some sympathy for you, but you clearly weren't, which means you were just as sick as them."

Her nostrils flare while Mr. Alberto clears his throat. "Meghan, you need to stop this nonsense now; your parents have signed a contract; you now belong to me. You'll be my mistress, while Abram will take Lilah home with him. He'll train her the right way to become a dutiful wife. They will wed when she is 10."

I nod my head like I agree before pointing the gun at him, making his eyes go wide.

This man is completely off his rocker.

"I am a grown-ass adult who is not for sale; my man can attest to that. Now you touch my daughter, and I will shoot you; I don't give a crap who you are in this town!"

He takes a step back as several men rush into the house. I don't turn around because I know who it is. I can feel him as soon as he enters, just like I always can; he's a part of me, like I'm part of him.

He clears his throat.

"Gunner, go down the hallway and get Lilah; make sure her head is covered; and take her out to the club's Jeep."

He nods and rushes to a screaming Lilah while Abram points his finger and says, "You will not touch my fiancé!"

Red hazes through my eyes, and I point the gun at his dick, pulling the trigger. I feel the men in the room wince as Abram falls to the floors, cupping himself and crying out in pain while his father stands back in shock that I just did that: "She is not your fiancé, you sick bastard, SHE’S MY CHILD.”

He looks up at me, his eyes bloodshot, and he sneers at me, "You're going to regret this; I’m-I’m g-going to take everything f-from you, then I'll make sure you r-rot away in prison, receiving video after video of me ripping your daughter in two while I-I fuck her."

I feel the men tense and step forward while I just smirk and point the gun at his head, making his eyes widen.

"You've got to be alive to do that."

His face pales even more, which, as a doctor, I didn't think was possible. "You won't k-kill me; I'm too much of an i-important figure around here, and you know it, you'll serve life; maybe even get the d-death sentence."

I nod while Noah walks closer to me. "You're right, I will, but I know my daughter will be safe with her daddy, and the only way to ensure it stays that way is to take out the reasons for her being unsafe."

His eyes widen some more before my man rasps.

"Wildcat, you don't want to do this; you don't want a life on your conscious; it'll eat you alive. Please, hand me the gun and let us brothers sort this instead; please, baby, I can't lose you."

I look towards him, looking into his hazel eyes. "For Lilah," it's all I rasp before I turn back to the vile man and pull the trigger. Mr. Alberto cries out as my mother screams while Abram's blood splatters against her bland furniture. I watch shock register on his face before his body falls to the floor, blood dripping down his head. His father drops next to him, clutching him, while I continue to stare into his eyes as his father cries for his son, but I feel nothing. My feelings have closed off. I'm not stupid, and I know that it'll hit at some point, but right now, I just feel nothing.

He was a vile man who preyed on children; he needed to be removed from this earth, and I'll always stand by that.

I hear some men curse in the background, and I'm pretty sure I heard Dagger mutter, "Fucking shit, remind me not to get on her bad side," but I could be wrong. I tilt my head towards my parents, who are looking at Abram in shock, before I point the gun at Mr. Alberto. He doesn't notice, but my mother does because she gasps very dramatically, making my father and Mr. Alberto look at me; they both suck in a breath while the men behind me curse some more. Someone who sounds like Stone mutters, "Fuck, she's not going to leave any for us," but again, I could be wrong.

I only spoke to the Rebel's VP once, but I heard he continued to help me look for Noah, so that gave him some brownie points.

I don't take my eyes off the bastard even when I feel Noah's arm go around my waist.

"Wildcat, please hand me the gun."

I just shake my head, placing my finger on the trigger as everyone freezes around me.

For Lilah.

Chapter 24


I stand with my hands on my hips, trying to keep my anger in control while staring at the CCTV footage from the nursery. Flame was on a video call explaining how my girl's parents went in and got our daughter.

The fucking caseworker didn't even call to ensure it was all ok; she just smiled and fucking waved while my daughter was crying, and that was after Meghan's father handed her a stack of cash.
