Page 12 of Flame

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Very slowly, as I move to my hands and knees, pain radiates through my whole body as I place my hand on the wall, using it to take my weight as I get to my feet. I can feel the blood pouring down my legs, and I see my torn underwear from my side-eye. Bile wants to come up again, but I ignore it and them while using the wall to guide me towards the road. I ensure to stay away from the door that Razor is currently manning as the bouncer. His time will come, and I'll ensure it.

I see a white sedan about to drive off down the road, and I quickly flag the person down who frowns, opening the window. My tears fall harder when I see it's Silver,another waitress. Her eyes widen in shock as I lean down and speak in the car window. She's not in her Beatle, so if the cameras are working, they won't see it's her. I clear my throat as my tears fall. "I need y-you to take me t-to the h-hospital; I've been r-raped." Her eyes fill with tears, and she nods frantically, "but y-you can-can’t tell a-anyone."

She nods again before I get in the back of the car, trying to sit on my side as pain shoots through me and a sob comes out as Silver wheelspins, doing a U-turn and heading to the General.

She breaks every speeding law to get me to the hospital in record time, her tires squealing as she comes to a stop in the emergency bay, and I pray Doc's not working tonight. A few people rush out, and I sigh in relief at not seeing Doc when Silver clears her throat, rasping, "Doc's at the bar with his old lady." I nod as she gets out, opening my door, when Mel, the nurse who has been looking after Annie, rushes to me. Shock etches her features, taking in my state before her blue eyes start to fill with tears. She turns her head and says, "I NEED A GURNEY HERE, MEG."

A doctor who I'm guessing is Meg rushes over before they both help me out, and I rasp, “d-don’t tell t-the club." They both look at each other before nodding, then they rush me into the hospital towards the triage room, which was most likely the one where Annie went into. They start to attach me to the machine, helping me out of my dress and into a hospital gown. Mel squeezes my hand. "What happened, Star?"

My tears fall again. "I was r-raped a-anally."

Everyone freezes in the room when Meg nods, her professionalism coming through nicely, taking charge as part of her black hair falls over her face that comes out of her bun. "Okay, we need a full workup on blood, an HIV test, and forensic testing as well as a full examination. The police need to be informed, and we need the counselor down here."

I shake my head, making Meg go to open her mouth to protest, "No police, no counselor, no forensic testing. Everything else is okay."

Both Meg and Mel bite their lips, not happy, but nod their heads anyway before they start the workup I need. It took them a little while, and I ended up screaming when they had to do the physical examination and needed a lot of coaxing. I have never been so traumatized in my life.

A few hours later, my tears are still falling when Meg comes in and takes a seat near my bed before taking hold of my hand.

"Ok, Star, I'm just going to peel the band-aid off, alright?" I nod. "You have extensive tearing, which will take roughly a few weeks to heal. You have some scrapes and bruises, but nothing more than that. Your blood work has come back clean, but we'll be putting you on antibiotics as a precaution. It's going to take up to two weeks until your HIV tests come back, but I have your number, so I'll just ring you with the results." I nod again, my tears continuing to fall when she whispers, "Please, Star, we need to call the police."

I shake my head and say, "No, no police, no sheriff, no one." She nods again before wiping her own tears.

"We would prefer to keep you in for a few days, but I know you don't want Dr. Thomas to know you were here, so we can discharge you tonight, and Mel said she'll take you home."

"Thank you," I rasp, and she nods before squeezing my hand. "Come on, I've got some leggings and an oversized jumper I had in my locker you can wear; I'll help you get dressed."

I nodded and let her help me, grateful for her and Mel.

About an hour later, I'm lying on my brown sofa in my tiny one-bed apartment, trying to breathe through the pain I've been through tonight. My mind is running miles and miles. I pickup my phone and surprise-surprise nothing from 'him,' my so-called best friend, who's probably busy with Ginger right now while I was raped, and then physically examine what needs to be done. He's getting his rocks off, breaking my heart while I try to deal with my traumatization.

I can't stay around here anymore. I was going to tell the club where I was moving and then come back once I finally got my dad back, but no, I can't. I need a fresh break from them and from their way of life that got me raped. I'm going to find my dad, make that bastard pay, and then I'm going to live my life club-free.

No more brothers who don't think about the consequences of their actions.

No more sisters spreading crap about me.

No more mothers blaming me for something I didn't even do.

No more family stealing from me over and over, sponging off my wages, and treating me like crap.

And no more 'Flame' breaking my heart over and over again.

It's time to say goodbye to my old life.

I bring Annie's number up and press call. It rings and rings before going to voicemail, and I hang up, wiping the tears off my cheeks with the back of my hand before texting her,

Me– I need you; can we talk, please?

I stare straight ahead at my walls; the mold is coming back again due to dampness. I sit like this as my assault swims through me for about an hour when my phone finally rings. I look at it, hoping it's Annie, but huff in frustration.


I shake my head and ignore her call. I can't deal with my mother right now.

I need a plan; I need to disappear and leave.

My phone beeps, and I look at it, my tears falling again.
