Page 33 of Flame

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"It's Zayne, and you fucking know it!" He snaps, and I narrow my eyes at him, anger flashing through them.

"Where are we?" I ask as I look around.

"Near the motel you stayed at."

Crap, that's like eight hours away. "Turn the car around, Flame."


I sigh, my head pounding and his shouting making it worse. "Turn the car around, Zayne, now. We need to go back."

He shakes his head, his hand holding our sons, making my heart melt just a tiny bit—only tiny though; he's still a tosspot.

"Zayne, stop the car now!"

"NO!" he shouts before he takes a deep breath. "Over a fucking year I spent without you, Star, I can't any longer. I know I fucked up; believe me, I fucking know; I'm paying for it daily. Fuck, I paid for it not seeing you round with our child and not holding your hand when you gave birth. You're my best friend, and Ifucking love you so fucking much. I can't live without you any longer; it's time for you to come home."

I shake my head. "How do you expect me to come home after everything, Zayne? I was raped," he flinches, pulling the car over on the side of the road and squeezing the steering wheel before getting out in anger. I climb out too after checking on Theo, who has somehow drifted off with the shouting. I tilt my head at Zayne before he points at me.


My tears build: "I was raped, Zayne; it happened." He shakes his head, but I won't stop; he needs to hear this: "It did happen; it happened because of the club; it happened because of you," he flinches again, "it happened because you left me unprotected so you could screw Ginger."

He shakes his head again before he shouts, with pain lacing his voice, "I DIDN'T FUCK GINGER THAT NIGHT."

My eyes widen in shock, and he drops his chin to his chest. "One truth for today, Firefly," he says, looking up, his eyes shining. "I haven't fucked another woman since I screwed up with your sister three years ago and you keyed my bike." I stumble back, words unable to form, and I shake my head in shock while he sniffles. "I let you believe it because I still thought you deserved better than me, and I know that wasn't my call to make; it was yours, but I clearly wasn't thinking straight.

When you were upset about Annie, I could feel my barrier slipping, and I didn't want to take advantage of your vulnerable state, so when Ginger sauntered over to me, I saw an opportunity to leave. She was basically my lift home. I went to the house we built together, a house that I actually had you design because a part of me always thought you'd move in, and I slept while you were getting fucking raped. That's what I was doing that night, Star."

He turns away from me, shaking his head while he links his fingers behind his head as he rasps, "I left you to be hurt all because I wasn't ready to be completely yours while your friend was hurting." He turns to me while my tears fall hard and fast. "I haven't fucked anyone in three years, Star; you've got all I've ever wanted. I just didn't want you to regret choosing me when you had a full road ahead of you, a world to see for your paintings. Fuck, I didn't want to hold you back."

I take a deep breath to try and control my emotions, which isn't easy because my rage is wanting to come through. He walks over to me like the stupid man he is and cups my cheek with his right hand, his left cupping my hip, gently tracing his thumb along it.

I nod my head. "So you let me believe for years that you were screwing anything with a skirt to push me away?" He nods, guilt shining through his eyes. "You let me hurt." He swallows hard, reluctant to nod, which he does, and I nod my head again before kneeing him hard between his legs, making him double over in pain. "Fuck Firefly," he coughs, "do you not want any more kids?"

I narrow my eyes at him, completely enraged, as I cross my arms over my chest, grateful Theo is asleep because I'm about to kill his flipping father!

He blinks and coughs again, seeing my anger. "Yep, I definitely deserved it, though."

And I nodded in agreement.


Chapter 17

Flame – 29 years old – present day


An angry Star is a hot Star, but fuck me, my balls hurt. I cough again, kneeling on the ground, trying to get my bearings.

I definitely deserved it, though.

I try standing, breathing through my nose as she narrows her eyes at me, and I hold my hands up. "That should have been one truth I told you on your voicemail, fuck."

I bend again while she growls at me, poking my chest and making me stand up before she points in my face using language she absolutely despises: "You absolute piece of fucking shit." My eyes widen. "How dare you take my choices away from me? How dare you hurt me intentionally, thinking it's the right thing?" She shoves my chest. "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU HURT ME LIKE THAT?" She screams, shoving me over and over, and I wrap my arms around her as she tries to punch the shit out of my chest when she realizes shoving me isn't working. I hold her tighter as she sobs for everything I've done to her, and my heart is fucking breaking. "How could y-you?”

I did this—me, the man she saw as her protector, the man she loved more than anything.
