Page 39 of Flame

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He gasps, “Why-why a-are you h-here baby?"

I let out a sob and shake my head, placing my forehead against his, not being able to answer him as he gripped my hip before Tank speak up, "There's no exit wound; we need to remove the bullet now or he'll bleed out." I sob against his forehead while he grips me harder before someone places their hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Snake. "Come on, darling, step back; the brothers are going to need to hold him down." My tears fall some more before I look back at Zayne, who nods his head, his eyes full of pain. I lean forward and gently kiss his lips.

I can't lose him; I can't.

He kisses me back slowly before I move away, Snake holding me to him while I stay on the stairs, knowing I won't leave, as Dagger grips a hold of Zayne's other shoulder. Ink and Hawk come in quickly; they both hold on to Zayne with Dagger as Axel grips the bad shoulder before Tank takes a deep breath. He shakes out his hands before Axel pulls Zayne's cut out of the way, pulling his top down, showing the wound that's pouring out blood. My heart jumps, panic shooting through me as I grip Snake's arm before Tank starts digging his finger and thumb into his son's shoulder, trying to find the bullet.

Zayne screams out as the men all hold him down when he thrashes against them, and I sob, my knees feeling weak, making Snake grip me tighter. Tank tries to rush, moving his fingers to find the bullet, while my tears fall down my cheeks. It feels like hours when in reality it was only a few minutes when Tank shouts, "I GOT IT," and he pulls the metal out and then presses a rag tight to the wound before Zayne slumps down, breathing hard while his brothers sigh in relief. I rush over to him and instantly throw myself at him, his right arm holding me tightly to him as I place my face into his neck. His hand fists my white top at the back, holding me tightly to him. "I'm ok, baby, I-I’m ok."

I let out a sob and gripped the hair at the nape of his neck, not wanting to let him go even when Axel speaks, "Right, Hawk and Ink grab the fucker and chuck him in the van with the other one; wait for the others before heading back to Stars Flat, and we'll head home from there in an hour once we fill the trailer that has Zayne's bike in. We need to grab Theo too. Snake, can you grab Bones with Butch and put him in Star's car? We'll ring Doc so we can discuss his injuries and ensure he can travel back by car without urgent medicalassistance, as well as Flame. Dagger, Tank, and I will grab Flame with Star; Tank can drive Star's car and take us back with her father; she can sit on my lap while the rest of you get in the back of the van."

The men all nodded before getting into action. They all squeezed into the van, so Hairy didn't hear them come. I let out a sob when Zayne's grip loosens on me, and I look to see he's passed out. Panic hits me, and I look towards Tank, who instantly checks his pulse before sighing. He nods, "It's ok, it's strong."

We all sigh in relief before getting up. Tank and Dagger lift Zayne up before I look down and notice all the blood. My whole body trembles and my legs start to give out before Axel lifts me up bridal style, taking me out to my car. We all squeeze in, and I rest my head on Axel's shoulder, my eyes never leaving Zayne as Axel runs his fingers through my hair before he whispers, "How your feeling right now, Starfish; Hold on to it, hold on to the fear, because then maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to forgive him."

The men all nod in agreement as my tears fall.

I could have lost him.

An hour later, my car was full with a trailer behind it that has Zayne's bike, whose still passed out in the back. Doc confirmed both my dad and he can travel but only stop for about four hours for sleep before getting on the move again to get them home. Tank had ridden up in the van with Butch, so he'll be driving my car with my dad in the passenger seat, still weak, while I sit in the back in between Zayne and Theo. Snake gets into the van with the two prisoners—let's call them—and Axel takes front formation, leading us away from my flat that I won't be returning to. The brothers packed up my belongings and placed them in the trailer with Zayne's bike; there wasn't much, thankfully. When we get back to Parkerville, I'll have to decidewhat I'm going to do now that my father is safe, but the thought of leaving Zayne after nearly losing him makes breathing hard.

We stop halfway through, with Zayne becoming semi-conscious, we stop at the motel where I stayed for Dagger's wedding, and my father slowly gaining his strength before we get to Parkville the next evening. Axel had apparently called through to Doc, who should be waiting. Apparently, he also called my mother, whom I do not want to see, she's left enough nasty voicemails to last me a lifetime.

The prospect opens the gate when he sees us coming. A few of Snakes men are waiting near the front of the clubhouse with their own van for Hammer. Tank pulls my car near the side of the clubhouse, and he unhooks the trailer for me. I smile in thanks as I get out, climbing over Theo's car seat, not wanting to hurt Zayne. I go around, leaving Theo asleep in the car seat, not willing to get him out here and open my dad's door. He smiles a tired smile at me as I help him out while Axel comes over, helping Zayne out before Doc rushes over to see my dad. He gasps, tears well up in his eyes as he cups my cheek. "Well done, sweet girl."

I nod before he kisses my forehead and allow him to take my dad as Ella, Zayne’' momma,rushes out of the clubhouse. "ZAYNE!" she screams, seeing her son injured as my mother and sister rush out.



They both scream at the same time, and I swallow hard, watching as everyone hugs my mother and sister, holding them back while trying to comfort them as they cry while Doc tries to help my father, and I shake my head. It's hard to feel anything for them when they've treated me like dirt for years, blaming mefor what happened to my father, stealing from me, and making my life hell.

Ginger rushes out next, and I struggle to breathe as I watch her rush towards Zayne, but Mel intercepts her and knocks her out in one punch after seeing the pain in my eyes, and I nod in gratitude.

About damn time, although I wanted to do it myself.

Sighing, I turn around and head to the trailer, opening it up. I grab the few bags of possession I actually own and all of Theo's toys and pureed food and put them in my car, filling the back seat up after transferring my boy to the front, ensuring the airbag is turned off. I shut the door to the trailer when Zayne shouts my name, making everyone look at me in shock, not realizing I was here.


My mother furrows her brows, looking between me and my father in confusion, while my sister sneers at me.

Yeah, I need to leave before I hit her.


His voice sounds raspy and in pain, and I just give him a small smile because I need some time to think about everything. I head to the driver's side of my car, causing Hawk to rush over to me, gently grabbing my arm.

"Starfish, please don't go; he needs you; they need you; remember that feeling of nearly losing him, please."

I give him a gentle smile and kiss his cheek. "He has his parents, and my father has 'them. ' I can't stay here, Leo, after everything everyone has done, and I just - I need time to think."

He takes a deep breath, looking at a distraught-looking Zayne. "You've had time, Star, over a year of time, and where would you go? Your family, Star."

I know he thinks I'm selfish, but he needs to understand. I grip his hand. "I was raped because of this club, Leo," he flinches. "My mother emotionally abused me for years, selling all of my possessions, stealing from me, accusing me of 'killing' my father when I was only ten years old, all while my sister bullied me and hit me over and over when she couldn't get into my locked draws, and Zayne, he-he threw women in my face day after day, including my own sister, for years, then pretended to be screwing around for the last three making decisions for me, hurting me intentionally to the point where I didn't think I could come to him about the knowledge of my father, to the point I gave birth on my own. I need time to digest what has happened and what I want to do with my life now that my only purpose for the past eleven years is finally home safe.

Annie has that account for me, so maybe I'll throw a dart at a map. Who knows? Zayne's always welcome to see his son; I'll never stop that, but the people here stopped being my family when I was raped; my mother stopped being family when I was lying in a hospital bed having skin grafts alone, needing her all while she blamed me when in reality it was always going to happen because Hairy was like his mother, insane."
