Page 24 of The Orc Queen

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“How old was he when you left?”

“He was 22.”

Her face scrunches in confusion. “And how old was Azula?”

I chuckle seeing what she means. “She was 80.”

She chuckles. “Wow. That’s, uh, wow. Good for them.”

I laugh. “Indeed, it is.”

“So, you and your mom. What actually happened, Igor? And why does everyone hate you so much?”

I knew I‘d have to address this soon. I don’t want to, but I need to tell her everything.

“At a certain time, after a devastating war, us and the Bonos sought to negotiate for peace. My father was leading the negotiations, and everybody thought it a good idea. Everyone was tired. I was not pleased with it, but it was my father so I went along with it. But I never trusted the Bonos, and we never should have. My father died outside our lands while he was going to the Bono lands. He was killed.

“It was rogues from the Bono tribe. I bided my time for 2 years, and during that time, I found out who sent them. It wasn’t random. But it was never an official decree. They told my people the orc acted on his own. Everyone believed them but I couldn’t accept it. They had to pay.

“Then one day – leading a small group of my trusted soldiers – I stormed their borders and burned one of their villages, killing many of them. Essentially moving everyone back to where we were before. War. Limited resources. No peace.

“My people were horrified at my actions. But I was so angry at everything, I took no one’s counsel. I loved my father, but I acted irrationally and selfishly. The Bono tribe were looking for blood after that and they were desperate, they were planning on something and they were going to go to all lengths to claim their revenge.

“In a last attempt to prevent another brutal war, my mother and uncle met with them in secret and together they agreed that I needed to go. I was their common enemy. They sought the help of Azula and Soni, and they all agreed I be banished.” I pause as I watch her not reacting but taking everything in.

“Many other things happened when I was out of control. I was a different orc then, and I do deserve everyone’s disdain. But I am sorry to you and our children. This isn’t the legacy I wanted for you to inherit.”

She takes me in for a minute before she stands up and takes the plate. My heart squeezes hard. What is she thinking? Does she hate me? Feel deceived? Think I’m a monster.

I watch her place the plate on the small table with the pots before she picks up a cloth and returns to me. I wait on bated breath as she wipes her hands and then takes mine.

“I still love you.” She starts. “You are still the same orc to me.” She purses her lips, looking down at my hands before looking at me. “I am not saying it’s great, but I still love you. I don’t know if they will see you as I do, but I hope they see that you have changed, and you are better. But I stand by you still, and I choose you still. Because you are still the same orc who has tended to me with the utmost care, and you have fought for me and our children even when you couldn’t.” Her eyes glisten. “I love you. Others might see what they see but I see you and I love you and I am proud to be yours. So will our children.”

I stop breathing as she speaks. I don’t know what to say.

She gives me a small smile before she retreats with the cloth. I watch her place it on the table, then she slides her dress off her shoulders, and it bunches at her feet. My body tenses as my need for her consumes me and almost blinds me.

I draw a shallow breath as she walks to me. I see her, I see my whole life, the love of my life. She stands in front of me. Confident. Regal. So alluring.

Her one small delicate hand finds my face. The other travels down to my pecs then down to my full girth and I close my eyes briefly.

“I love you. Now, orc, do you know what I need after the dinner?” she says.

“A drink.” I answer.

She smiles and her gaze lowers to what she wants.

Chapter nine



ItalmostfeelslikeI’m in a trance as I watch her take the full step to close the distance between us. She starts stroking my girth and my whole body feels more alive than it’s been in a long time.

I had almost forgotten how good she feels. She gets on her tippy toes, and I lean a little and we kiss. I am holding on to my self-control with the last of my will, I want to make our official reunion special.

As much as I want to throw her over the bed and ravage her, she has needs. A second hand joins the first and she twists her hands on me with a tighter grip and releasing a deep growl is all I can do to not go mad.
