Page 27 of The Orc Queen

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“I missed these,” I say, my hand moving as they move.

“We have missed you too, daddy orc.” She says again with a grin.

“Do you intend on calling me daddy orc, human?”

“Yes. I like it.” She says with a mischievous look on her.

I sigh, then I remember something. “I had my quarters before I left. They are still there waiting for me. I think tomorrow we need to go check just how dusty they are and enlist help to get them cleaned and refurnished.” I say.

“I thought these were yours.”

“No, these are for young orcs.”

“Are they bigger?”

“Oh yes. They have three bedrooms all with their own washrooms, a proper kitchen, a meeting room, and a proper sitting room with enough space for the little ones to play.”

“That sounds spacious.” She beams.

I smile. “They are. And we will need all the space with the babies coming soon.”

She lays on me again. “Have you wondered what they’ll look like? More me or more you?”

“Yes. I am hoping for more you because my world can never have enough of you.” I say.

She laughs. “You are such a smooth talker.”

“For you, any day.”

She yawns.

“Sleep, my Queen. Tomorrow is a long day.” I caress her, trying to soothe her down.

“Goodnight, I love you, orc.”

“I love you more, human.”

Chapter ten

It Has Been Forever


Hebringsapieceof bread to my mouth.

“Igor…” I say after I chew.

“Yes.” He looks a little relaxed, as close as to what he used to look like back in our home in my realm. A lot has been on his shoulders since Hanser betrayed us. He has had to keep fighting to keep us alive all this time.

“My mother, how did you meet her?”

One of the biggest gaps in my life has been the one left by my mother, and I still don’t know how to process her being alive, and what it means.

“The last parade…” He starts.

I see shame flash in his eyes, and I hate it there. I take one of his hands and kiss it.

He exhales. “She threw a vial in the cage. She was in the crowd, and she told me to drink, I did when I returned back to the prison. I don’t remember much of what happened, but a voice called to me to come, and I got a surge of power I’ve never felt.” He pauses. “I didn’t remember anything, who I was, what was happening, I just knew I had to get out of there and go. So, I got out and ran until I collapsed outside her cabin.”
