Page 43 of The Orc Queen

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“I will always come back to you and our children. Nothing will ever stop me.” His eyes are on me, and I nod.

I lean in on my tippy toes and he comes close. I kiss him and he grins. He leaves, Jani walks him out.

It’s strange. I didn’t want him going but instead of the sadness I thought I’d feel, I just feel proud. He is going out there to fight for us, to work for us. To ensure me and the babies have a good life here.

“Come this side, Queen.” Owa pulls me from my thoughts.

“Um, old orc, why do you call me Queen?” I ask, picking up my tea.

“Shh, the walls have ears, dear. Come this side. We can talk.” She whispers and darts her eyes around like someone will jump out or is sneaking around.

I follow her. She leads me to another room. This one is full of plants almost everywhere. Even on the floor. But so much sunlight streams from the large windows.

We are on the east side of the mountain, assuming the sun rises in east here. I’d have to ask. Now that Igor is gone, I need to learn things and be competent.

She has two chairs here. No doubt hers and her mates. I take one, and she pulls out a yarn and needle. I assume she will start talking. But her gaze goes to the great desert opening right in front of us and she starts sewing mindlessly.

She sways to the left and to the right as if a tune plays in her head and she is dancing. And I observe her for a few minutes.

Her aura is calming. She may look and speak a little strange, but I feel calm and still in her presence, especially in this room.

“Your mother, tell me about her.” She says out of nowhere.

My mother? Then I remember what she said about the witch goddess. Maybe she’s trying to make that connection.

“She…” I drift off. I don’t think I have ever talked about my mother to anyone who wasn’t Igor before. But I look to the great beyond, the red-ish brown desert, and I bring the tea to my lips.

“She was a great mother before she up and left me and my brother one day.”

I can’t help the bitterness from returning. I haven’t had a moment to think because I have been worried about everything since we arrived here. I saw her and she told me she loved me. My brows knit together. Luna is my sister. I have a sister who is a wolf.

“Is that all you remember about her?” Owa asks. Her eyes still looking far herself. She looks sadder for me than I would think anyone who doesn’t know me would.

“She is a witch. I just found that out last week as we were escaping death, me and Igor.” I pause in reflection. “She is the reason me and Igor survived. I was on stand for execution for being pregnant with Igor’s offspring.”

I realize when I am finished that her gaze is now on me and by the wideness of her eyes, I may have revealed more than I should.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to unload my sorrow on you. I was supposed to—”

“I’m sorry.” She blurts out.

“There’s no need to be sorry, old orc. It’s the past. At least I know she lives, and I have a wonderful younger sister.” Tears sting the back of my eyelids. Luna. My sister. I wish I’d known. I wish so many things.

“You have a sister?” She asks curiously.

I decide that revealing she is a wolf is probably a lot for this first meet. I have already revealed so much.

“Yes, and she is beautiful,” I say simply.

The room descends in silence. After much time in comfortable silence, she says, “Everything has a bigger purpose, Queen. Remember that.”

I feel the heaviness of her words and I don’t turn. But I hear them.

My life has been a series of events I had no control over. It always seemed others were controlling it and moving me around like a doll. It wasn’t until I met Igor that I felt like I gained a sense of control. It felt like I was making choices and directing my life.

Maybe that’s one of the reasons our love feels so good; because I chose it. I chose him. Against everything else, I chose him. I chose us. And with him is where I feel like I am finally on the correct path.

He really is my destiny.
