Page 45 of The Orc Queen

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Just as I am fixing my mouth to respond, Hettar interjects. “Enough. We are here on serious business.” He looks at both of us in annoyance.

Hettar did well for himself. Me and him are from the same generation but he’s a few decades younger than me and we met in battle a few times. We ended up being somewhat of acquaintances when we met hunting one day. For the first time I saw more than a filthy Bono, one who wasn’t all brawn and no brain.

We were well on our way to being friends when his uncle, one of the elders of their tribe killed my father. Then years later when I went to exert my revenge, I found him with his uncle. I may have been on a path of vengeance, but I couldn’t kill a friend.

I promised him an honorable death one day when he was my power equal. Even in my savagery I couldn’t kill a weeping orc. So, I spared him. But he seems to have grown from that, not surprising, he showed much promise. I guess I am about to see just how much.

“The last attack was 6 moons ago. And according to their patterns in recent years, they will be attacking again soon. We have extra weight because of the new soros on both tribes who just arrived but as captains, you are to ensure your group is competent.” Hettar pauses. “Those filthy creatures took four of our own last time.”

“I don’t remember many of our own being taken, in fact, not too many in recent years. I’m starting to think they really are after you…” a snickering voice sounds from under the breath of Kido, a Modo who even I as leader always had problems with. Kido thrives in chaos, and he likes starting problems.

“What did you just say?” Hettar snarls.

Kido snickers. “I said few of ours were taken last time I account. Mostly it’s you Bonos.” He says and some of my tribe comrades are amused.

Contrary to what I thought at first, there is no love amongst us still and from this we would still turn against each other given the chance. It should make me feel good to be justified in my residual hate of the Bonos but for some reason it doesn’t.

“You will stand down, Kido.” I speak up. My chest is tightening with anger. We don’t like each other but you don’t speak against the collective, especially in the battlefield. That’s how you lose. After we get rid of the Sokos, we will get back to hating one another but a divided army will never conquer.

“And you will stand down,captain. I don’t need you controlling my camp.” Hettar turns his ire to me. I hold his gaze.

But even in my annoyance, I nod. He is right. As leader of this camp, it is his authority to get all in line.

“The wall needs reinforcing at the Northeast border. The orcs are reporting that that is a weakness, and we should fix it with haste. What is the status on getting the material?” One of the Bonos asks, breaking the previous moment.

“It should be here by dawn, Joha. But in the meantime, we will allocate 10 more soldiers for the area. Maybe Imp can borrow you some of his since the areas are close to one another.” Hettar says.

The Bono captain just nods. No question or protest. The rest of the meeting goes in updates and questions, and I sit quiet, absorbing as much as I can. I am shown to my dwelling - a hut - when it is over. It is not much but I can lay my head.

I close my eyes with plans for the next day. I need to be up before dawn so I can scout the area. I need to get reacquainted with the land and its riffs and atmosphere. I need to feel the soil beneath my boots. And I am not so overconfident that I don’t think I need training too. And I will work hard here.

Owa’s words ring in my head before I am down.

“Only the rightful King can save us…”

I barely get much sleep before I am up, and it is time to get to work. I fold the mat I slept on, but I don’t wear my armor yet. It will only slow me down. I have a lot of ground to cover before I meet my team and see what the expectation is when everyone is awake. I find the camp dead silent. The watchers open the gate for me, and I leave.

I inhale deeply and exhale slowly as my eyes adjust to the darkness. There isn’t much green or trees here even though it is along a big river. The air is noticeably different. It’s not as crisp as Aria’s realm.

I go on the outside part of the wall and run, passing the Northeast borders. I go up North to where my station will be. At the end is an enclosure. But if you stand on the small hill, you can see the bubbling green springs.

I try to climb the wall. I fail a few times and I cut myself, but I finally climb the 20-foot-tall wall. I land on the small landing near the springs. They are just as captivating as I remember. And just like anything beautiful in this realm, the golden rule is if it’s beautiful don’t touch it.

The springs are toxic and underneath them lives one of the most dangerous snakes of this realm. A two-headed simp snake that spits acid the color of blood. The poison is deadly, almost instantly, unless someone with magic can help you.

I walk the small path until it opens up a little and I pass my station which is on another enclosure that has a waterfall. There are underwater caves under the river that lead to the other side where the Soko like sneaking into.

Us and the Bono stay away from swimming here because of all the other creatures that inhabit this particular part of the river. And it is just as well that Hettar put me here. They think I will mess it up and hopefully get myself killed.

I pass the Northeast waterfall and check the broken wall that needs reinforcing. I pass all the patrollers without saying much. We nod to each other. By the time I am back at camp, many people are up, and my team is one of them.

Hettar is going around shouting orders.

I am on time. I play nice. I listen and I follow instructions. We train with the group. We have breakfast. Then more training. The days go by and before I know it the week is over. And then another.

We are in our station on the third week patrolling when we hear the horn from camp.

“They are here!” One of my soros says in evident panic and fear.
