Page 81 of The Orc Queen

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“No. But I finally realized what is wrong with our people.”

He stands there awaiting my answer.

“Its leaders. You and Langa led our people to more pain and sorrow. The Soko problem could have been solved already but you are too comfortable sitting in your high office while our young go to die out there on pointless missions. It’s time for change.”

“And what difference do you think you’ll make?”

“That is not for you.” I say and start walking again.

“So you really think in a moon you will have gotten powerful enough to defeat two orcs?”

“The Gods will decide that.” I finish.

He leads me to the level under the tribe community hall and takes the stairs to the dungeon. I only follow after him because Zod, Kaja, and Faz are there. Taking them in, they look fine. They nod at me when they see me, and I acknowledge them back. There doesn’t seem to be animosity in them. Just concern. But I don’t ask, and we all follow my uncle.

“You brought much with you in Ragu.” My uncle says before he commands Todo to open the door to one of the few prison cells here.

Curled up in the corner of the cell is a Soko orc. He jumps to a sitting position when he sees us. His eyes wide with fear as he tries to push himself into the stone wall that will not budge.

“Will you talk now?” my uncle asks, voice furious.

The Soko orc darts his eyes from each of us. They land on me and linger.

How is he here? Was he captured?

“I came to see for myself,” the Soko says.

“See what?” I ask.

The orc seems to not want to reveal that information. “I will not talk to anyone but her.”


“The Queen.” He says. The sound of that, accompanied by the look in his face shifts something uncomfortable in my chest and I have no understanding why.

“We already brought you the Queen. You are wasting our time.” Todo says in annoyance.

The Soko turns defiantly, determined to not give us anything more clear.

“How did you get caught?” I ask.

Sokos have been too slippery all this time. It’s a little hard believing that this one got caught accidentally. Especially now that I know they have help inside. I have many questions.

He doesn’t turn to face me, keeping his mouth shut.

“We should kill him and send him to the others to send a message,” Todo says with too much enthusiasm.

“No,” I say firmly.

“I am still King, Igor. Not you,” Uncle says with a harder voice.

He turns to us. “Since he won’t talk, call in Soni to make him.” He looks over at Todo, who turns too enthusiastically and walks out.

When I look back at the Soko, he hasn’t moved, and is unshaken.

We file out of the room after uncle, and I am the last to leave. I turn back before I close the door and the Soko is looking strangely at me. Before the door shuts, I hear him say in a low voice, “I know who you are.”

I don’t linger to ask.
