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He linked his fingers through hers. “We’re going to have to tell Nate and Cecilia something, because when they asked about you, and us, I told them it wasn’t happening. They’re going to realize that changed. I don’t want to explain that I’m your test subject and why, so can I tell them we’re dating?”

“That sounds like an accurate description.” Her gaze cut to his bed before as they passed going to the kitchen. She wasn’t ready for that yet, but thoughts of being there didn’t induce any signs of a panic attack. Another sign of progress.

John cleared his throat. “Don’t mind us.”

Nate and Cecilia moved apart.

“Newlyweds. They’re kissing every time I turn my back,” John grumbled.

“Didn’t want to eat without you.” Nate smiled adoringly at his wife.

“I thought you two might need a few minutes to talk. The subs and chips could wait.” Cecilia’s gaze flitted from John to Elizabeth and back to John again.

“I have an announcement,” John stated matter-of-factly. “Elizabeth and I are dating. Not fake dating for the wedding. This is for real.”

“Told ya.” Cecilia nudged Nate with her shoulder.

They gathered around the makeshift table. Elizabeth had been too nervous to eat earlier, but her appetite returned, and she accepted half of the meatball sub that John placed in front of her. “How was the honeymoon?” she asked Nate and Cecilia.

“Fabulous. First, we went to Scotland and did all the dates Cecilia originally planned for the show that we didn’t get to do. Then we went to Greece for another week.”

“And I didn’t have to plan dates for anybody but us.” Cecilia laughed.

“I have a confession to make,” Elizabeth said. “After the wedding, I binge-watched your season ofSay Yes to the Rose. I was curious after meeting everyone at the wedding. It was interesting how they edited it to keep viewers on edge. Knowing how it ended, I picked up on the way Nate would scan the room and break into a smile when he saw you.”

“Really?” Cecilia smiled at her husband.

“Of course. I still do.”

“Aww.” Cecilia brushed a kiss to Nate’s cheek. “I haven’t watched. I don’t want to see him kissing other women.”

“I can understand that,” Elizabeth said, because he had definitely kissed more than Cecilia. “I watched your body language for clues. Like how his tension slid away when he was with you too.”

“Other than when I was trying to tell her I wasn’t faking my feelings for her.”

“Scary, isn’t it?” John cracked, giving her the side-eye.

“You weren’t supposed to . . .” Elizabeth started.

“Fall for you?” he finished. “Says who? Because it seems like it’s a good thing. What do you think, Boss? You approve? Me and Elizabeth, your two favorite humans together? You’re probably gonna take credit.”

“We need a group photo to commemorate the occasion,” Cecilia proclaimed. “Here, you have the longest arms.” She handed John the phone with the camera engaged.

“Everybody get close. Come here, Boss.” He slipped an arm around Elizabeth’s waist, pulling her to his side. “Okay, kissing pic.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek for the next shot.

When he didn’t turn his face away or lower the camera, she angled to kiss him, first on the mouth, then a grateful kiss to his cheek. Everything about it felt right.

“Send those to me.” He handed Cecilia back her phone. “I’ll forward them to you.” He winked at Elizabeth. “Now, as much as it pains me to say this, we need to get back to work. I only have Nate for the weekend and these cabinets need to be installed for the guy to measure for countertops.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Elizabeth wasn’t ready to leave yet.

“We’ve got an extra roller if you’re up for painting. It’s taking two coats to cover the bright yellow. Though you aren’t dressed for painting.” Cecilia pointed to the splotches on her shirt and arms.

“That’s more my speed than hanging cabinets.” Though she’d worn her favorite top for tonight. “Do you have a T-shirt I can wear that you won’t mind getting paint on?” she asked John.

“We’ve been dating all of thirty minutes and you’re already stealing my clothes? You know that takes our relationship to the next level.”

“If you’d rather I not . . .”
