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“She is such a bitch, sleeping with both of the Holden twins.”

She supposed their conclusions were to be expected. It wasn’t every day a girl was best friends with two guys. She supposed it was only natural for them to assume the worst about their relationship. After years of denying there was any kind of sexual relationship between them, Jane and the guys just stopped worrying about it. Well, the guys did. It still bothered Jane though.

For twenty of her twenty-five years of life, it had always been her, Rys, and William. From the first time she met them in kindergarten, she knew there was something different about the Holden twins. At first, the guys hated her. She could admit she was an irritating little girl who followed them around wherever they went. But all it took was one five-year-old boy pulling her hair for Rys and William to come to her rescue. After that, the three of them had been inseparable.

Silence descended over the table, and Jane looked at one brother then the other. They watched her over the rims of their bottles with identical expressions of worry and curiosity.

“What happened, Janey?”

Jane couldn’t help but smile at William’s nickname for her. He had called her that since middle school, and every time, it made her heart pound in happiness. Swallowing roughly after she took a small sip of her beer, she looked from one to the other. Why in the hell did they have to be so damn attractive?

It was like overnight in high school she had found them ridiculously good-looking, but they also knew her better than anyone else, even her mother. She spent long, sleepless nights talking to them at the lake, telling them all of her dreams, aspirations, and fears. They had always listened, always been supportive. Where William held her and murmured acknowledgments to everything she said, Rys had been the opposite. He was the strong, silent type, listening to her diligently but giving her the space she needed. Their different personalities drew her to them like a moth to a flame.

Their dark hair was cut short and fell over their foreheads. Every time she saw those brown locks, she itched to brush them away. Their eyes were an intense blue that watched her like they knew she was about to lie. She didn’t want to confess she had gone on a date with Trevor Lane. It was no secret Rys and William didn’t like Trevor. Hell, a lot of people in town didn’t like him.

He used his father’s status as a member of their town council to get away with a lot of things. She still didn’t know why she went out with him, why she agreed to get in his car when she knew he was a drunken asshole. She was a damn fool; that’s what she was. Even if she didn’t want to tell them, she knew they would know as soon as a lie slipped from her mouth.

She sighed then took another long drink and set the bottle back on the table. She started picking at the corner of the label on her bottle and then finally lifted her eyes to Rys and then William. “I don’t know why I did it.”

“Did what, Jane?” She snapped her gaze to Rys and saw the stern look on his face. “What happened, Jane? Tell us.”

Rys was always so commanding, like he expected everyone to just do as he said. That’s usually the way it worked though. At six-foot-five and over two hundred pounds, Rys was used to getting what he wanted. People tended to listen.

“I agreed to go to dinner with Trevor Lane.” Both of them cursed and stared at her incredulously.

“What the fuck, Jane?” Rys eyed her hard for several long seconds and then finished his beer. He gestured for the waitress to bring them another round. She recognized the short blonde who bounced over. Her breasts were barely restrained in her tight top, and her shorts were the size of some of Jane’s underwear. She didn’t remember her name, but she dropped her eyes to one of her double-D boobs and read the name Kass. She was all too eager to help the guys, but when she bounced away, Rys and William’s gazes were back on her.

“I know, and I don’t know why I agreed to do anything with him. He’s an asshole.” Jane finished her beer, and William slid over the new one Kass set on the table. He gave her a sympathetic smile. She saw their waitress flirting with some guys at the bar and wondered whether William and Rys had slept with her. She pushed it aside, knowing they probably had and hating how that made her feel.

“The guy is bad news, Janey.”

Here it comes. Jane was expecting this, and it was why she didn’t want to be having this conversation.

“Will’s just being nice. The guy is a fucking douchebag. He goes through women like he goes through a case of beer.” The anger in Rys’s voice was evident. He picked up his new beer and drank half of it in one swig. He slammed the bottle down so hard the small circular table jumped from the assault.

“Really, Rys?” she said in a bland tone, really not wanting to talk about this.

Rys’s face stared at her. Well, he was in for a surprise, because she wasn’t going to back away from this. She knew damn well it had been a mistake going out with Trevor, but the way he was acting, like some kind of damn Neanderthal, was infuriating.

“Chill, dude.”

Rys spared his brother a glance, but just as quickly, he was back to glaring at her. He leaned forward to rest his forearms on the table.

“You knew how we feel about him. Shit, Jane, you know damn well what a cocksucker he is.”

“God, Rys. Do you have to be so vulgar?” William’s voice was getting deeper, a sign he was about to get really angry. Where Rys was an open book, William kept a lot of stuff bottled up. Rys didn’t respond right away, just picked up his beer and finished it off.

“Did you fuck him? Is that why you’re upset, Jane? Did you let him fuck you, and then he pushed you aside like all the rest of the girls he uses?”

Jane felt her face heat at the crass words coming from Rys.

“Christ.” William’s voice was raised, and his face was turning an angry shade of red.

Rys didn’t look at his brother. He kept his blue eyes right on her. “Well? Did you fuck him, Jane?”

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