Page 105 of Mafia And Taken

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I was used to being obeyed. But this doctor kept deferring to Cate’s wishes. All the candles and music were making it hard for me to think straight, or maybe it was the stress of the situation. I wasn’t used to feeling this stressed out or out of control.

When it was time for the baby to be delivered, I held Cate’s hand tightly and watched as she put all her remaining energy into pushing out our baby.

When I heard the first cry, I let out my breath, which I hadn’t realized I’d been holding in. I bent down and gave Cate a kiss, looking deep into her eyes. She’d done it, and I was so relieved to see that she was okay.

“Alessio, what is it?”


“The baby, is it a boy or girl?” Cate was craning her neck to try and see.

“You have a healthy baby boy, Mr. and Mrs. Marchiano,” said the doctor, proudly holding up the bundle. The baby gave up another small cry but then happily snuggled down to sleep as the nurse wrapped him in a clean blanket and placed him in Cate’s arms.

I wrapped my arms around her and the baby and just looked down at the perfect little boy.

“Hello, Alexander,” she whispered to our baby.

“That wasn’t the number one choice on our list?” I said, perplexed.

“I don’t care about the list. He looks like a Alexander—what do you think?”

I looked down at Cate and the baby, and I found the baby already tugging at my heartstrings. The same way that I had fallen in love so quickly and completely with Cate was suddenly happening with this baby as well. And I realized how lucky I was to have not only Cate and the baby in my life but also to have found this sort of unconditional love.

“Yes, I like the name Alexander. It definitely suits him.”

Then I kissed the top of Cate’s head, and as I stroked Alexander’s palm, I watched our son curl his tiny fist around my finger. And I thought that life couldn’t get any more perfect than this.
