Page 19 of Mafia And Taken

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When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I could see double doors leading into what looked like a living room.

I took a couple of steps forward. Beyond some couches was the kitchen where Alessio appeared to be making breakfast. He was dressed in dark jeans, a fitted charcoal top and black boots. He was wearing a gun holster across his chest and there was a knife sheath strapped to his left thigh. He looked ready for battle and there was a lethal aura around him that made me shudder.

As I walked quietly over to him, it was as if he sensed me approaching and he looked around, fixing his dark brown eyes on me.

“How are you this morning?” he said.

“I’m fine.”

“You didn’t seem to have any more bad dreams last night.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that.”

“There’s no need to be sorry. Do you want some breakfast?”

I desperately wanted to go home, but I didn’t want to appear too eager. I really needed to get away from here, and I was also worried about letting down the school where I worked. “Okay, sure,” I said, walking over to the kitchen island and sitting down at the counter. I poured myself a glass of orange juice and sipped a mouthful, allowing the zesty citrus to refresh me.

I watched while Alessio cooked French toast. He whisked up some eggs with seasonings before soaking pieces of sourdough bread in it.

“How’s your head this morning?”

“I’ve still got a bit of a headache, but I’ll be fine to go home after breakfast.”

“Not until Dr. Cotrone has checked you over again.” It was clear from his tone that this was non-negotiable. I knew that protesting would get me nowhere, so I resolved to wait to see the doctor and then I’d return home later today.

I watched while he cooked the bread in a skillet until it was golden brown. When it was ready, he dished it up and pushed a plate toward me, together with some maple syrup. “Here, dig in. Coffee?”

“Yes, please.” He poured me a cup. “Do you always cook breakfast?”

“I usually take turns with some of the others, depending on what everyone’s got going on. The others have already had their breakfast this morning. Danio and Debi left for school a while ago, and Juliana has taken her dog for a walk. The others had work to do, so it’s just the two of us this morning. I thought you might be hungry since you only had soup for dinner last night and you didn’t finish it all.”

I bit into a piece of the French toast and found it to be delicious. “It’s odd having a Made Man cook for me. My father can’t even toast a slice of bread. My mom used to do all the cooking. After my mom and brother died, my grandmother moved in to help look after my father and me and she does all the cooking now. She won’t so much as let my father clear up his own dishes.” I didn’t know why I was telling him about my family. It wasn’t something I normally shared with people.

We ate the rest of our breakfast mostly in silence.

After we finished eating, I started to gather up my dishes.

“No, leave that. You looked exhausted.”

“Charming. Is that how you speak to all the girls?”

A smile escaped his lips in response.

But it was true—just getting up and going downstairs for breakfast had exhausted me and my head had started pounding again and I felt lightheaded.

“Go back up to bed. You need to rest.”

I nodded and didn’t argue. I headed back up the stairs and gratefully climbed into Alessio’s bed. Closing my eyes, I willed my head to stop thumping and eventually I must have fallen asleep.


Later, I woke up to find Alessio sitting on the edge of the bed. “I just came up to see how you were doing.”

“I’m sorry, I must have fallen asleep.”

“Don’t be sorry. Your concussion is to blame. Here, let me take a look at your head.”

He shifted closer to me, and I propped myself up on my forearms, looking up at him as his fingers ran through my hair. I watched the concentration on his face as he checked me over. He gently felt my scalp, and I winced as he touched a tender spot on my head.
