Page 16 of Binding Fate

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“I was going to resume my usual duties. I have to go alert Quairken to call the troops for practice.”

“If we let you go, you’re not going to wander off again, right?” asked the king with one eyebrow raised.

“No, sir, I’m just going to get my job done.”

King Francisco exchanged glances with the queen, and before they could interject or keep him longer; he bowed and left the room. As he walked to the door to leave he gave one last glance back as he pulled at the doorknob.If only they could think of this as playing a game of hide-and-seek.He knew he couldn’t say that to them. Then they would really worry that he lost his sanity, but with that Alzerion left the room.



he queen craned her neck to the king and he gingerly brushed the side of her cheek.

“Francisco, were we overreacting?”

“I don’t think we were. This is our daughter that was missing, plus our future commander of the army. We had a right to be worried. I think Alzerion was just trying to return to some sort of normal.”

The queen walked to her husband, picked up Aironell, and cradled her. She brushed Aironell’s curls away from her eyes and kissed her forehead. Then the King and Queen put her on the floor to play, and they sat down and finished their meal.

Meanwhile, Alzerion paced the halls. His mind felt like it was pulling double duty. So many possibilities.Ugh. But how to make them agree?He scratched his head and forced a smile as servants passed him. When he came to a decision, he peeked around the hall corner, empty. He moved to the hall closest to the Great Hall, and slid into the corner. The king and queen were busy listening to town troubles. Soon, they would be done. Again, his gaze roamed and nobody. He ran up to the closed door and pressed his ear against the wooden door.

He heard a man babbling on and on about which crops yielded a better supply. Someone else jumped in and said it was due to lack of water access. Alzerion rolled his eyes. He wanted to speak with them-before he lost his nerve. There was shuffling of feet as he heard a shrill voice. His eyes bulged as he rubbed his ears. Some dispute with a neighboring market seller. Alzerion backed away from the door and sat on a little bench. Cheeks puffed out like a filled pastry, he tapped the sides of his cheeks. The door creaked open.Finally, he grumbled. The last of the townspeople left and Alzerion nodded as he passed and entered the Great Hall.

The king and queen leaned over eyes on the princess. His gaze fixed on her as he stood in the middle of the Great Hall. It was for her. That’s what he kept telling himself. He was in this situation to keep her safe. It was like being a scout, spying on each side. As long as Aironell stayed safe.

“Alzerion, Alzerion!”

“Yes, Your Majesty, what can I do for you?” He shook his head-attention focusing on the queen.

“Did you need something?” She looked at him with such focus. He felt like an insect being inspected, closely.

He held his breath for a moment. Exhaling, he bowed his head. “There is something that is bothering me.” He had to face them.

“Tell us,” demanded King Francisco. Both eyes watched him as he strolled closer.

It was not something they would want to hear, he knew that. He had to convince them. Arms folded behind his back, he paced. There was a pressure rising in his stomach.

“Please don’t be upset.” He kept shuffling.

“Alzerion, we won’t. Please tell us what it is you came here to say.”

His gaze lingered on Aironell sitting in her ornate little seat. Tapping her tiny fingers.

“We need to protect Aironell,” he just blurted it out. “Some safety precautions like more guards or even distancing her. I have ideas.” Breathing deeply, he shifted his gaze up at the king, first.

King Francisco leaned forward. He ignored Aironell’s little coo and gazed at him. “I’m curious to know what you came up with.” He reached for the queen’s hand and squeezed. Queen Evalyn’s gaze shifted from the princess to them- only casting her gaze elsewhere to grab hold of the king’s arm.

“I, um, I think we should side with caution.” Voice getting more matter-of-fact as he spoke. He felt his leg muscles tighten as he stood his ground. “It may sound drastic but I believe distancing the princess is best.”

“What,exactly, does that mean?” The queen’s grip tightened around the king’s muscled arm.

King Francisco slid his hand between the queen’s hand and his arm. His focus never wavered from Alzerion. “Alzerion, I think some distance and time might be just the thing.”

Alzerion straightened up as his breaths steadied. Hands clung to the fabric of his pants as he waited. The queen didn’t say anything.Maybe she was thinking about it.

“My idea centers on a wide distance. Perhaps sending her away. Safe. Not in Bachusa.” He caught the queen’s grimace. “I know that sounds a bit extreme,” his hands danced about while he spoke. “Aironell clearly isn’t safe, here.” He moved a few paces closer and cleared his throat. “Your Majesties, what if he could find a new ‘home’ for the princess. Somewhere she can be cared for-protected-loved.”

“That’sourjob,” the queen’s voice faltered. “Francisco, we can’t.”
