Page 25 of Binding Fate

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“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I love your father … but the man I fell in love with doesn’t exist anymore. He has changed for the worse. I want you to be happy. At one time, your father and I were blissfully happy. I can’t even tell you what changed to make it end. However, you’re our only child, and I would like to see you as happy as possible.”

“I see. I’m sorry, Mother. I can only try, but I’m always busy.”

“Alzerion, that is very telling.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, something is clearly bothering you, whether you want to admit it or not.”

“I spoke with someone earlier and I felt lonely when I left.”

“Well, you should keep talking to that girl because she probably holds the key to your heart.”

Alzerion chuckled as he shook his head.

Melinda reached out and held his hands together. “I mean it.”

“I know you do. For now, I must go.”

“When will I see you again?”

“I have a meeting, but you could always come to the palace or next time in town. You know the king and queen wouldn’t mind.”

“Very well, dear. Good luck with your meeting, and hopefully I shall see you soon.”

With those words, Melinda disappeared in a thick smoke encasement. Alzerion walked back to Abandon Alley.



lzerion arrived at Abandon Alley and knocked on the first door he saw. Almost instantly, Ulbrick opened the door.

“Come in, Alzerion. We have much to discuss,” he said in his signature hoarse voice.

“Do we now?” Alzerion countered as he walked into the house.

“Yes, we do! Don’t mock me. I’m still not happy with you.” Alzerion could hear a bite behind his words.

“Why? What have I done?”

“I’m sure Aironell’s disappearance had something to do with you. Despite you saying that it wasn’t, repeatedly. Don’t think that I’m dumb enough to underestimate you, Alzerion, I know better than that.”

“So, what if I did do something?” He sat down on the couch and propped his legs on the tiny square table. “She’s gone now, and you have the throne wide open. You know as well as anyone the law of the land.”

“I do, but what does that have to do—” Ulbrick stopped when he realized what Alzerion was getting at. “You’re talking about how the royal child has to take the throne when she’s sixteen, right?” Ulbrick bent over Alzerion and swatted at his legs.

“Of course, and according to the law, she has to come back to Bachusa.” Alzerion removed his legs from the table and leaned forward, and continued. “In the meantime, you can start planning your next move. If Aironell doesn’t return and assume her place as future queen, then the townspeople can revolt. Therefore, you might not have to do anything except simply be patient.”

“That sounds like a promising plan,” noted Warren.

“Warren, I didn’t know you were here.”

“Sorry. I was in the other room going through some papers. I think that sounds promising.” Warren nudged Alzerion over with a smile. Then he sat down beside Alzerion.

Ulbrick sighed. “Can you two stop playing like little children? Maybe that plan may work. However, I’m going to put more stress on the king and queen.”
