Page 39 of Binding Fate

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Emilia twitched her mouth and nodded. “That’s true but I do know that some of that talk wasn’t true.” She clasped her hands under her chin as she spoke. “Roger was so sweet, she told me. The rumors spread based on what he told his buddies.” Airon looked disgusted. “Seriously, Airon, it was like his evil twin took over or something. I see it with my brother, Greg, and his buddies.”

“True,” Airon’s eyebrows pulled in. She shook her head. “That’s why I’m in no hurry, Emilia. I’ll know when I’m ready. Airon focused at the concrete sidewalk before them. She couldn’t explain it, but she just didn’t feel anything. The guys Emilia tried setting her up with were too immature. Maybe she was cursed or something. She sighed.

“Airon, I know. But it is a great feeling.” Emilia beamed as she twirled around.

“Why, so I can look exactly like you?” Airon joked.

“Huh, do I really look like I’m freaking out?” Emilia stared wide-eyed and bit her bottom lip. Airon could see the weight of concern so she ran in front of Emilia.

“Emilia, just relax.” Airon laughed.

“That’s not funny.” Emilia stood with arms crossed and a slight pout.

“You know I wasn’t trying to upset you. Do you need a minute?” Airon leaned closer.

Emilia closed her eyes, tight. Then took a deep breath. “I-I think I’m alright.” Emilia started pacing and shaking her hands. She looked like someone frantically waving about.

“Well we are at Evan’s house, and I’m sure you don’t want him seeing you like this.”

“You’re right!” She let out a sigh. “I’ m better.”

“Good. Now what would you like to do?”

“Airon,” Emilia focused in on her. “Do I look alright? Hair? Outfit?” Her hand flung to each as she spoke. “I don’t want to look a mess, but I also don’t want to seem like I was trying too hard.”

“Hahaha. You want to appear like it was effortless to look that good.” Airon pursed her lip as she stood with her arms crossed.

“Well, hell yeah!”

“Alright. You succeeded. Emilia there’s no reason to be nervous. You look great and Evan will be so happy to see you. How about we walk by his house, you know, casually. We will need to get his attention.”

“Yeah, that could work!” Airon sensed that a little encouragement was all Emilia really needed.

“You know, if we act all cute, maybe that will catch his attention.” Emilia beamed.

They walked by, and saw Evan through the front window; but Evan did not see them. They strutted by, a second time, chatting, and giggling; a bit loudly and from the living room window, Evan came into view. His arm stretched over his head. Then his face turned. He glimpsed us as we walked. Airon caught a sly smile and then he was gone. In less than a minute, he was outside, moving toward them.

Emilia turned to him. Airon gave her friend a reassuring pat on the back. It served another purpose. Airon closed her eyes, for a moment. After she patted Emilia she opened her eyes and could hear her friend’s thoughts.It would be temporary, she told herself. Just enough to help her out.

Emilia blushed, slightly, as he strolled over. Emilia’s thoughts were crowded. Strong. Wow,Emilia mouthed.

Ahh, he was a vision. From his beige cargo pants to his tight navy-blue shirt. Boy did Emilia have it bad. From what Airon gathered Emilia wanted nothing more than to be alone with him. She stood and simply watched. She pressed down on her lips so she wouldn’t laugh. She could feel the tension within Emilia. She was nervous. Her friend seemed a little different. Not her usually care-free bubbly self.Hmm. She wondered how she could lose her senses.

“H-Hey. How are you?” Evan asked as he leaned against the beige fence in front of his yard.

“I’m good.” Emilia moved closer to Evan. Her face seemed to light up as she spoke. “We were just heading back to my house. We thought a walk and some fresh air would do us some good.”

“Well, a walk is always nice.” Evan straightened up. “Actually, if it’s not too much trouble, can we talk? I mean, we could go on a walk together and talk if that’s easier.”

“That sounds perfect. Maybe another time, though,” Emilia winked.

“Oh, ok. I’m sorry. You’re busy.”

“Don’t be silly,” Airon finally spoke. It was her chance to help. “We’re not busy. Emilia has nothing but time to talk. In fact, I should be going.”

Emilia grabbed Airon by the arm and pulled her off to the side. “What are you doing?” Her voice lowered to a frantic whisper.

“I know you really want to spend some time with him. This way it doesn’t look like you’re too eager.” Airon whispered in Emilia’s ear. “Plus, I have that family dinner tonight.”
