Page 48 of Binding Fate

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“Is there something wrong?” King Francisco tilted his head toward them. Aironell couldn’t believe how firm he looked, like iron.

“Nothing, Your Majesty,” Isabella bowed. Casting her eyes down to the ground. Aironell frowned.Lie. Isabella was hiding something.She bit the inside of her cheek as she kept observing the exchange.

Aironell rubbed her hand off the base of her neck. “Please tell us. I’m not sure what, but there is something you’re not saying.”

Isabella kept her gaze down at the ground. The king shot a look at Isabella and then over to Aironell.

“Are you sure about that?” Queen Evalyn shifted as she pulled at her dress.

“Yes …mother, I’m sure.” Aironell cleared her throat. She tested how it felt to say.Awkward. No, she couldn’t do it, not yet. It felt wrong, especially in front of Isabella. The woman who she thought was her mother all this time.

Isabella gave a wavering smile. She looked back at Aironell.There it was, Aironell saw the pain. I’m sorry she mouthed.

Isabella nodded. She took a breath. “It’s Alzerion.”

“What do you mean?” Queen Evalyn pursed her lips as she waited “He’s not here. He’s out training the Royal Army.”

“He was just talking to us, Your Majesty,” Quairken placed a hand on Isabella’s shoulders.

“He might have returned,” King Francisco said. “I told him he could have a short training session. I hinted that there would be a surprise when he got back: your arrival.”

“Well, I’m glad you did. Alzerion will be excited at his surprise.” The queen beamed as she clapped her hands together.

“Actually, well, you see, we saw him upstairs,” Isabella finally looked up. Her eyes shifted back and forth between the queen and king. “He was not in a rush to come down.”

“Quairken nodded. “He didn’t seem pleased that we were here, with Aironell. I’m not sure why.” He straightened up.

“I told you he would not like me,” Aironell sighed. She flinched at the thought and shook her head.

“Darling, that is nonsense,” Queen Evalyn grabbed Aironell’s hand. She squeezed it, ever so lightly. “Where is he right now?” She turned to face Isabella and Quairken.

“He went to his room instead of coming down here.” Isabella picked the skin around her thumbs.

“I see,” King Francisco stood. “Well, I’m going to check on him.” He moved off to the side. He disappeared in a puff of red smoke.

He appeared outside Alzerion’s room. He took a breath and quietly opened the door. Alzerion sat at his desk with his hands on his head. Elbows propped up against the desk. He knew that Alzerion was overworked, but so were they all. The king watched for a few moments. He stepped a bit closer with arms crossed. “Alzerion, why won’t you come down and see Aironell?”

Alzerion spun around in his seat. He rubbed his jaw as his eyes never left the king’s face. “I will. I just can’t yet.”

“Why, though? This is the day we have all been waiting for. She’s here. She’s safe. It is all thanks to you.” King Francisco waited, but Alzerion said nothing. He seemed distant. “Aironell blames herself.”

Alzerion locked eyes with the king. “I can’t imagine why.”

King Francisco sat down on the empty seat next to Alzerion. “She said she knew you would be upset or disappointed with her.”

“I could never be disappointed in her.” He sighed.

“Alzerion, I must admit that you are unusually quiet. What’s wrong?”

Alzerion ran his hands through his disheveled hair. “I’m- I’m.” He cleared his throat as he rubbed his lips together. “There’s nothing wrong. I’m just a bit tired.” Alzerion rubbed a hand against his forehead. “Is she, really upset?”

King Francisco nodded.

“I don’t get why. She doesn’t know me, not really. Hell, there’s not much to know.”

“That’s not true,” King Francisco patted him on the arm. “You’re a great person. She remembers you from when you stayed with them.”

“She does?” Alzerion’s head pulled back. His face still.
