Page 53 of Binding Fate

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“What’s inside?”

Alzerion licked his lower lip. He opened the box and pulled out a silver bracelet. Precious cerulean blue and cinnamon red stones dangled from it. The silver sparkled as the sun gleamed over it from a nearby window.

Still, Aironell furrowed her eyes. She watched as Alzerion’s lips pressed together. They slowly moved upward into a curve, forming a seductive smile. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes momentarily. Finally, he made another step closer and slid his hand over hers. His skin was so soft. She swore her heart beat a little bit faster, like a pounding drum. She felt a jolt. Aironell merely, grinned.

Alzerion’s fingers raised her hand, while the other hand placed the bracelet on her. When he finished, he moved back a step. She felt his eyes on her. Then he nodded. This time, her heart fluttered. Hell, it was practically dancing in her chest. She was speechless.


She looked down at her wrist. Grinning from ear to ear. So many things she wanted to say, but none seemed right. So, she flung her arms around him in a big hug. “Thank you,” she whispered in his ear.

“I’m glad you like it.”

Aironell squeezed once more and then stepped past him. “It’s beautiful.”

She winked and dashed to the door. Glancing back for just a second. Alzerion’s right eyebrow raised slightly, and his nose scrunched up a bit.How cute,she thought. Then she darted out of the room.

Once out of sight, Aironell took a slow breath and made her way toward the grand staircase. She held onto the railing as she descended. She couldn’t help but wonder if Alzerion was still in her room or what he thought about her departure. She pushed open the doors and entered the Royal Dining Room. She quickly spied the king and queen sitting, side-by-side, at a small table in the middle of the room. Aironell sat down across from them. She felt quite comfortable in this room. It reminded her of the dining room where she grew up. It was a bit smaller than most of the other rooms, here, but with my charm.

“Good morning, darling.” Queen Evalyn grinned as she held up her cup tea.

King Francisco cleared his throat and stared. “You look stunning. So, grown up.”

“Thank you, dad.” She saw his expression soften. “You-you called me, dad.” He reached out his hands and Aironell allowed him to grab her hands. He held onto her. It was an endearing moment. Aironell beamed as she glanced over at her mother, too. The queen’s eyes appeared a bit watery and she placed her hands over her mouth. Aironell kept glancing at them both.

After a few minutes she folded her hands back in her lap. “May I ask you something?” Aironell’s nails tapped against the textured white fabric that draped across the table.

“Of course, you can,” Queen Evalyn spoke as she dabbed at her eyes.

“You can ask anything.” Francisco nodded.

There was the creaking of the door opening. Aironell turned as she popped a grape into her mouth. Alzerion strolled toward them. She wiped her mouth with a napkin as her eyes scanned his body. She couldn’t help but stare. He was so attractive. So mysterious. So, kind. She loved everything about him. She remembered to blink as she watched him run his hand through his hair.

“Hello Alzerion, would you like to join us?” King Francisco motioned to the chair next to them. Aironell narrowed her gaze. Watching. Waiting. She saw Alzerion look at them.

His gaze lingered on Aironell. She was beaming so hard that she felt like she might burst. Then Alzerion’s gazed honed back on the king. “No. I have some business to attend to in town.” Alzerion bent his head down low, like a nod.

Aironell’s face went still as stone as she gulped. Alzerion turned to leave, but she caught his gaze and then he was gone. She couldn’t help but feel this ache in her heart, like she wanted to lie in bed and wallow. Her eyes fixed on the door.

“What’s wrong?” asked Queen Evalyn. “You seem a bit out of sorts.”

“Oh, it’s nothing.” The princess shrugged and snapped her attention to her mother.

“Are you sure, dear?”

“I’m positive,” she insisted, forcing a smile.

King Francisco licked his lips, grinned, and ate his pastry.

“Well, if you’re sure.”

Francisco swallowed. “Evalyn, she is fine. Right Aironell? It was just a momentary distraction.”

Aironell’s gaze darted between the two of them. “Absolutely. I was just distracted.” She fixed her eyes on the king, he knew something, he had to. She looked back at Queen Evalyn and smiled. Hoping that they could move on.

“Oh alright. We want to discuss magic with you, anyway,” said Queen Evalyn. “Isabella told us you have a good handle on your abilities. Is that true?”

“Oh, my magic. It is true,” she nodded. Aironell picked up the half-heart necklace that hung around her neck, “I use this as a power source. It helped when I was learning how to keep my magic under control.”
