Page 55 of Binding Fate

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The picture frames were a dazzling gold with what appeared to be black diamonds all around like an accent. After looking at the pictures, Aironell headed toward the opening where the light was emanating from. Aironell cautiously stepped over the threshold, and the sight instantly took her breath away. Aironell blinked twice to be sure that she was not imagining things; but the scene before her resembled that of a picturesque book or painting of landscapes.

She moved toward the railing of the balcony and leaned against it as she surveyed the landscape. The balcony had vines that wrapped around the railing with small red roses that outlined the opening. She caught her breath when she saw the outline of buildings and the stalls from the market on the backdrop of a cornflower blue sky with a radiantly shining sun. The sights that were closer were even more captivating. Her eyes glanced below the floral balcony and saw what was called: Gorgeous Garden.

It was true to its name. Aironell saw ornate fountains, an elegantly carved wooden swing, and benches throughout the area. There was a small wall of stones that were gray, brown, and white that allowed people to look in, however, it mainly served as the boundary for the garden. The white stones sparkled a bit when the sun’s rays cast its light. Everything seemed so perfect, especially with the flowers; bushes, and ivy vines.

“Mm,” she said to herself happily as the scent of roses wafted toward her.

After standing on the balcony, soaking in all the beauty, Aironell decided to continue exploring, so she went back inside the palace. She walked down a corridor that led her toward the heart of the palace. Then she went down winding spiral staircases and came across more pictures.

She found the pictures of landscapes and family members to be lovely, but she yearned for that same amazement she felt at seeing the balcony and Gorgeous Garden. “Maybe I saw all the wonderful sights already,” Aironell wondered as she continued walking.

Then she stood before an enormous door, one she had not seen before. She realized that the door had the same detailed sequence patterned across. It was a fleur-de-lis with a crown inside a heart with flecks that sparkled, just like magic. With her curiosity piqued, Aironell grabbed the rose-shaped handle and opened the door.

The room was quite spacious with shelves upon shelves all covered with books. Some of the books were very old because she saw that some had tattered covers with that old book smell. Aironell could not help but twirl about as she looked up and all around. There were so many books that someone could probably get lost here. She strolled around the room taking in all the sights when something caught her eye by the window. It was jutted out from the windowpane and lined with a satin cushion.

“This is amazing,” she exclaimed. “Is that a window seat?”

She walked over and smiled wide when she realized it was a comfortable place to sit with a cushioned seat lined with silk nestled there beneath the window. After sitting in the seat for what seemed like forever, Aironell decided to head back to her room to relax and start going through The Ancienne Magica de Bachusae volume I.



n town, the streets were all bustling. Alzerion sat on a bench and rubbed his hand to his head. He couldn’t quite get Aironell out of his mind. He couldn’t help it, but she intrigued him. Her mannerisms. The way she spoke.

“What’s on your mind?”

Alzerion bolted up almost knocking into the person who spoke to him. When he realized it was his mother he just blinked his eyes into focus as he sat back down.

“Alzerion, is something wrong?” She asked visibly concerned.

He gazed at her. “No mother, nothing is wrong. You just caught me a bit off guard, that’s all.”

Melinda placed her bag of goods on the ground, propped against the bench and then she, too, sat down. Alzerion looked at her and saw lines creasing her forehead. He noticed that her eyes narrowed a bit.

He didn’t want to burden her but how could he not tell his own mother. “Have you heard the latest news?”

Melinda’s eye glowed at the question and she focused on Alzerion. “What news? I always know town happenings but I’m unaware of something new. What is it?”

Alzerion caught a laugh in his throat. He didn’t want to offend his mother, but she reminded him of a little child, eagerly awaiting some prize. “Well, it is big news from the palace, so I’m not surprised you might not have heard. I just thought that maybe, just maybe it had reached your ears.”

“No, I haven’t heard anything about the palace. So, what is it?” Her hands pressed firmly on the bottom of the bench as she leaned in, digging her nails into the wood of the bench.

“Well,” he leaned closer while some people finished walking behind them. “The princess has returned.”

“What? I’m sorry I must have misunderstood.” She shook her head.

Alzerion watched as she looked around them, like they were conspiring and didn’t want to be found out. “Mother, I assure you of what I am saying. The princess—”

“Alzerion, I heard you right, then? I swore that I must have been wrong.” Her face grew a bit paler, than normal. “Um, uh, how? When?”

Alzerion reached for her hand. She gazed at him. He could see she had a thousand questions. She stood and paced until she stood just behind the bench, staring.

“Mother, are you alright?” No response. She didn’t even budge or look down at him. He ambled to be by her side and placed his hand, gently, on her shoulder and softly spoke, “Mother.”

She blinked a few times and turned to face him. “I’m sorry. I’m just not sure what to say.”

Alzerion couldn’t help but laugh. She narrowed her gaze on him. “I’m sorry, but you are never at a loss for something to say.”
