Page 58 of Binding Fate

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“Warren, I’m nervous to tell.”

“What, is it a secret?” Warren whispered the words and then chuckled. Alzerion did not waver in his stony expression. “Maybe you should start talking, Alzerion, I’m starting to get annoyed.”

Alzerion cleared his throat. Warren’s face twisted. Brows furrowed and lips tightened. “Alright. I just don’t want this to be made into a big deal.”

Warren straightened his posture and stood, legs and arms crossed with back against the stone house. Alzerion looked left and right. Nobody was there.

Alzerion started pacing in circles. He stopped as he faced Warren as his hands smoothed his hair back. “Aironell is back.” Finally, able to breathe after he just laid it out there.

Warren walked, almost sprinted away from the wall toward Alzerion. He grabbed him by the arms. “Are you sure?” Alzerion watched him. A moment passed. It could have been more as Alzerion scanned Warren’s expression. Warren held firm to him as he shifted a bit. He never wavered. His gaze was strong and fixed. Warren nodded as the lines of lips slowly parted into a smile.

Alzerion blinked and swallowed hard. “I’m sure.” Warren was in a frenzy of excitement. He twirled around like he was celebrating. Alzerion stepped back and his forced smirk faded. “Warren, Ulbrick can’t find out.”

Warren halted and turned. “What do you mean? Hehasto know. He will be sopleasedwith us.”

Alzerion could see the determination in his eyes. “Warren,” he clapped his hand to Warren’s shoulder like he was clasping one of the soldiers after a good practice. “You know that I want to keep the princess safe, right?”

Warren wrapped his arm around Alzerion in a tight side hug as they continued walking down the back roads. “Alzerion, I know that you have strong feelings for the royal family, but—”

“Warren, there’s no but. I hope that I can count on your silence here.” He glanced over and saw Warren’s gaze shifting. “Alright. I’ll do it your way, but if Ulbrick finds out we are keeping things from him, he will end us.” Warren pulled Alzerion to face him. “You know that I’m not exaggerating.”

“I do. Thank you for your word.” Warren nodded as they continued. They meandered avoiding large crowds as they approached Ulbrick’s door. Passing one stone house after another.

“Alzerion wait.” Warren broke the silence as he stepped in front of him with arm outstretched. Alzerion tilted his head and waited. “I really don’t want to cause issues but I was thinking. You should know, well, um, Ulbrick has been plotting.”

Brows furrowed down into slits, “What do you mean? Look at me and get to the point. I can hear Ulbrick’s steps.”

Warren’s eyes darted to the door and back. “I shouldn’t tell you. I can’t. I—”

“Warren, say something, quick.” Alzerion slid his hand behind his back into a quick waving motion. He heard Ulbrick’s steps get further away, but not much. He bought some time but Warren had to start talking, now.

Warren’s head slid down, facing the ground. “I can’t. I’m sorry. I can’t betray him, you know that. Just know that there is a plan. You have been busy with the royal army, lately, but Ulbrick has been moving right along.”

Alzerion’s nostril flared. If he could smack Warren he would. “You never said anything,” he hissed between clenched teeth. Warren opened his mouth to speak but then closed it.

“Warren will I like these plans?” Then the door clicked open. Alzerion quickly glanced over at Warren who shook his head and then focused his gaze at Ulbrick who stood before them.

Warren cleared his throat, “I found him for you.”

Alzerion breathed out his nose as he tried to regain composure. He knew that he had to time it right. Ulbrick can’t suspect anything. He nodded his head to the master.

“Come in,” Ulbrick croaked in his raspy, hoarse voice. Ulbrick walked inside followed by Warren and he followed suit.

He strode in not really paying attention. His mind was flipping through different emotions and thoughts like one flips through the pages of a good book.What was Ulbrick planning? How bad was it going to be?He knew that he would have to endure it. Warren shook his head, right, that wasn’t a trick of the eye? He took a deep breath and stood against the crème wall, back straightened and arms folded over his chest. He knew, in his heart, that if he had to make a choice between the royal family and Ulbrick- there was no contest.

Ulbrick patted Warren on the back as he meandered to the couch and sat. Ulbrick looked a bit different. Could be age but he believed it had more to do with all the scheming and plotting, as of late.

“What was keeping you?” Alzerion heard but was still locked in on his thoughts. He felt this nudge against his side. It was Warren. Warren looked at him, sharply, like he was trying to convey a message without words.

He surveyed Warren’s face but nothing. Warren then strolled over to sit on the little armchair across from him. Then Alzerion turned his gaze toward Ulbrick. “Sorry. I’m a bit out of sorts today.”

“Any reason in particular?” Ulbrick’s hands folded on his lap like he was awaiting something.

“Not really. You know just keeping busy.” Alzerion did not waver. He kept his face firm like stone.

“Really.” Ulbrick spoke between clenched teeth. “I have been hearing differently.” Alzerion attempted to maintain his composure. “I’m not sure what you’ve heard but I assure you that it’ll be news to me.” Alzerion locked eyes with Ulbrick, who just had that same steely expression. He knew something but Alzerion knew better than to entertain it, unless he had a reason too. He spied Warren out of the corner of his eyes. Ugh he will give us away. Alzerion focused on slowing his breath out of his nose and blinked, once.

As his eyelids opened he locked onto Warren, for a moment,don’t say anything.As he shifted his head back to Ulbrick, he saw Warren’s eyes bulge a bit. He knew that he received his message.
