Page 67 of Binding Fate

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They continued a stretch longer, and she saw these low rose bushes. They were a mixture of reds, whites, and pinks. They made kind of like a line; almost like they created this floral lane to walk. Her mouth was gaped open as her eyes roamed from all around. Her gaze caught on these tall, magnificent weeping willow trees. They were scattered around but the tallest one was smack in the middle. She caught her breath. It was gorgeous, what with the weeping vines that had little tiny silvery-purple blooms.

Aironell unraveled her arm and started toward it. She grabbed the lower bit of her dress so she wouldn’t stumble, as she ran. Aironell twirled with her arms outstretched, beaming as she caught a glimpse of Alzerion who made his way toward her.

“I guess you like it then.”

“Are you kidding? I love it!” She sounded a bit exasperated but she didn’t care. She felt the tickle of the silvery-purple blooms against her cheek as she twirled once more. Then she grabbed his hands and coaxed him to spin, too. They twirled until her foot caught on his boot and they fell onto the soft grass. Alzerion held her close, so when they fell his body hit the ground and she looked like her torso could have been lying on him. Blushing, she pulled herself into a seated position. Alzerion placed his weight on his left elbow as he held his head up with his hand.

“What is this place?” Aironell swallowed. “It’s amazing.” How she wished that her hair was not pulled back in braids. At least if it was down, she could use it to hide behind. However, Alzerion did not seem angry, in fact, he smirked.

“This is Majestic Park.” The hand that held his head up adjusted and his fingers lingered against his jawline. “What’s your favorite part?”

Aironell’s cerulean blue eyes grew wide. It all was beautiful and perfect. “I like it all.” A slight chuckle escaped her mouth. “I guess if I had to pick it would be this tree above us. I love the silvery-purple blooms. Whoever designed this place knew what they were doing.” She continued to gaze out. “Look at how they shimmer when the sun’s rays hit the blooms at just right the angle.”

“What would you say if I told you I created this place?”

Aironell straightened her back as she honed in on him. His expression didn’t waver. “Are you being serious?” Alzerion nodded.

She scooted herself a bit closer and examined his expression. He wasn’t joking. She wrinkled her nose, just a bit. “Why?” She sat, with her legs draped off to the side. She plucked one of the blades of grass and twisted it about.

“I’m not sure I understand.”

“Well, I guess I’m wondering why you made this?”

Alzerion’s eyes gleamed and he laughed. “I see.” He paused. Aironell kept fiddling with that blade of grass but starred back at him.

“I did it to make use of an area that was out of the bustling town.” Aironell nodded. “It is quiet, serene, and well, more private.” She gulped. He reached his right hand out, palm up, as she placed her hand in his. Fingers closing around hers. “And I made it for you.”

“Really?” Aironell perked up, trying to mask being giddy.

Alzerion shook his head. She took her other hand and smoothed a strand of his hair back behind his ear. Then she leaned in, so that she was merely a couple inches away. Alzerion held onto her hand as he sat upright. His other hand eased her chin toward him, slowly. Mesmerized as she was, there was a slight cracking, of a twig, in the grass. She almost missed it,damn Alzerion, always distracting her. She moved back and turned. Aironell didn’t know who it was that made their way toward them.

Alzerion stood abruptly and bit his lower lip. Whoever this was made him squirm, slightly. It was kind of funny, but she followed suit. She looked back and forth between the woman approaching them, and Alzerion. The woman looked to be about her parents age and had the widest grin she had ever seen. It reached both ears.Who is she, Aironell mouthed, but Alzerion glanced back at the woman and took a deep breath.

“Alzerion! I’m pleased to see you and you have an acquaintance.” She spoke with such sweetness. She was sure Alzerion would burst. Instead, his cheeks looked a bit flushed. “Are you going to introduce your, friend?”

His nostrils flared as he sucked in so much air that Aironell was sure would make him light-headed. Sensing that he wasn’t going to introduce them, Aironell held out her hand to the woman. “Hello, I’m Princess Aironell and you are?”

“Oh, your highness.” She gave an elegant curtsy, like she could have done it in a past life. Then she pulled herself back up. “I’m Melinda.” Alzerion cleared his throat, again. He clenched his hands that appeared to shake, just slightly.

“Alzerion, what’s wrong?” He didn’t respond. “Alzerion, please. You’re worrying me.”

“He is probably just getting over being mortified.” Aironell heard the thud from where Melinda patted Alzerion on the back.

Alzerion licked his lips and looked at Aironell. “I’m sorry. I’m just a bit off.”

“Why?” Her eyes narrowed.

“That’s because, Melinda is my, mother.”

Aironell’s eyes widened, “Oh, I see. Should I give you two a minute?”

“Nonsense,” Melinda beamed. She bounced closer and wrapped arms with Aironell, like they were old friends. “I am always up for a good gab session, you hear?” Aironell nodded. “We can keep things between just us, ladies.”

“Like what?” Aironell’s lips formed a slow thin smile.

“Mother, let her alone.” He sighed. “You know enough.”

Aironell giggled.
