Page 84 of Binding Fate

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lzerion waited for the soldiers. Training was about to start. He had to get his mind on target. Practice, skills, defensive maneuvers. Ugh, he had to get her out of his mind. He fought the urge to grin. Instead he tried to ground his thoughts. He smelled the leather from the soldier’s jerkin. He felt a tap on the shoulder, and he pulled out his sword, swung it around, and stopped short when he saw Quairken.

Quairken stared wide-eyed. “Woah. Someone is on edge.”

“I guess. Sorry,” Alzerion chuckled. “Lots on my mind.”

Other soldiers were coming out from the barracks now. Quairken straightened up and said “Sir, permission to speak?”

“Of course,” Alzerion sheathed his sword back into the scabbard at his hip. “What can I do for you?”

Quairken walked away from the others coming out of the barracks moved toward the walls of the palace. Alzerion followed. “It is that kind of conversation, eh?”

“What do you mean?” Quairken tilted his head.

“You don’t want the others to hear. Is this serious?” Alzerion scanned Quairken’s demeanor. He didn’t appear to be troubled by something.

“Oh no. Nothing serious. I just have some personal news to share and the other is more of a concern about you.”

“How curious.” Alzerion smirked. “What concerns you?”

“You seem distracted, sir.”

Alzerion patted Quairken on the back. “You don’t need to be formal. We are out of earshot from the others.” Alzerion glanced back at the soldiers. They had pulled out the training dummies and were grouping up into training formation.

Quairken swallowed. “Okay. Well I don’t want to question you but are you focused?”

“Quairken, we have trained by each other long enough. You know I would never let anything distract me in battle.”

“That doesn’t answer the question.” Quairken took one step back and angled himself.

Alzerion pressed, hard, on his lips as he thought of the best way to explain. He knew there was a wrong way to tread, when it came to what he wanted to say.

“Quairken, I am focused. I allowed myself a brief moment of distraction as I waited for everyone.”

Quairken adjusted his scabbard as he leaned in and whispered, “Care to share what was on your mind?”

Alzerion’s mouth gaped open. Quairken gave him a sly wink. “I, err, don’t know what you mean.”

Quairken’s posture perked up as he circled around. Alzerion sensed his presence. He had to tell Quairken. He didn’t keep things from him, well, most things. Alzerion motioned toward Quairken and they strolled further away from the soldiers practicing their drills. Alzerion stopped where there was nothing around. He nobody would see them from the training grounds, but the sword of the clanking swords was still audible, but barely.

Alzerion took a deep breath and smelled the roses from Gorgeous Garden.

“Alzerion, it seems like you don’t want to tell me something.” He paced around.Whew, Alzerion thought. It helped to not see his face.

Alzerion cleared his throat. “I don’t mean to, but I-well-have something orsomeoneon my mind of late.”

Quairken stopped mid pace and turned, slowly, back to Alzerion. His head was tilted. “Someone?”

Alzerion nodded. He kept eye contact and hoped Quairken would understand.

He grinned wide and then smacked his hands together. “Well, well, well. It has finally happened.”

Alzerion stayed quiet and didn’t give anything away. He watched and listened. Then Quairken started laughing. It was a loud uncontrollable laugh, where he bent over and touched his knees.

“Are you okay?” There was no response, just the raucous sound. “It’s not that funny, seriously.” Alzerion folded his arms across his chest. He watched as Quairken squatted and that sat on the ground with his legs out. He moved to more of a low giggle, but it was slowing. When it stopped he kept breathing heavily as he pressed his hand against the sides of his ribs.
