Page 89 of Binding Fate

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Warren stepped back and turned. “So, you lied to me.” He craned his neck around. “I thought we were friends.”

Alzerion shook his head. His jaw was set open. He had no words.

“I guess I was wrong,” Warren spat.

“We were, but you betrayed me,” Alzerion sounded breathy. He took small steps toward Warren. “Ulbrick will want her dead.”

Warren was glaring at him. “You were kidding yourself if you ever thought he wanted to let her live.”

Alzerion felt this stabbing pain with each of his breaths. His fists clenched as he let those words sink in.He couldn’t believe what he heard. No, he didn’t mean it. He was just upset.

“Warren you know I would never let any harm come to her. I thought I could convince her to leave and never return.”

Warren chuckled. “Alzerion, there is no way you thought Ulbrick would agree to that.”

Alzerion lowered his head. He always hoped but in the end, he wasn’t sure. He thought it would be worth the ask. His fists tightened as he smacked them against his legs. “You’re right, Warren.” Alzerion’s lips pinched together. “We wereneverfriends. You used me just like Ulbrick.”

“I did what I had to. You, you’re the one that let feelings get involved. Ulbrick insists that we need you, but I personally think you can be replaced.”

Alzerion heard the harsh tone. He shook his head and took a couple steps back. “You lying, bastard!”

“Relax, Alzerion. Now that the cards are all out there, you may want to calm down when you see Ulbrick”

Alzerion stare was cold. He ripped off the U insignia ring and threw it at Warren. “You are the fool if you think I will help either of you!”

Warren picked up the ring and fiddled with it between his fingers. “Ulbrick always gets what he wants, Alzerion, you know that.”

“Not anymore.” Alzerion’s nostrils flared. “He needed me, not the other way around.”

“He will see this as a betrayal, and you know that he doesn’t forgive traitors.” Warren stood firm, like a statue. Alzerion wanted nothing more than to wreck him. To punch that smug smile off his ridiculous face.

“Neither, do I.” He spoke with steely coldness. He felt the veins in his neck pulsing, quicker, with each passing second.

Neither blinked or looked away. Warren broke the silence. “I’m sure you will, bend to Ulbrick. You will have no choice.”

“In what twisted world do you think that wouldeverhappen?” Alzerion straightened up as he clenched his fists, even tighter, to the point where his big knuckles cracked.

“I guess I hit a nerve,” Warren chided. “Alzerion you won’t let anyone in your corner.”

Alzerion’s eyebrows narrowed into slits.

Warren laughed. “Oh, so you haven’t thought about the repercussion of your choices?” He folded his arms and lounged against a tree stump.

Alzerion started pacing, moving farther from Warren. He was missing something but wasn’t sure what. He tilted his head as he looked back at Warren, who was still just relaxing; as if it were an afternoon sitting in Ulbrick’s lounge chair.

Warren’s lips curled up and he continued. “Alzerion, when everyone learns the truth… you will be all ours.” He chuckled. “You didn’t just withhold a small something, no, you lied tothem.” Warren pointed back at the palace. “You deceived them including the princess.”

Alzerion couldn’t move. His eyes widened. He felt each deception hit him blow after blow, like a tidal wave.

“We have our plans and the numbers to crush you.” Warren spoke. Alzerion dropped to his knees and his fists pressed against his temples.

Warren stepped around him. “See you on the battlefield, Alzerion.” Alzerion heard his grating laughter as he left the woods and head to town.

He beat his fists into the sides of his head.How could he have been so foolish?His downfall can be linked to his part. His own destruction that he helped cause. He, he had to figure out how to right the wrongs. His arms went limp at his side.The only question was would she forgive him and his stupidity?The king and queen would be disappointed, but he had faith in them, that they would see what was really in his heart.


