Page 17 of Wolf Spell

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So I did. As I rubbed more oil into my hands and massaged his lithe back and limbs, I went over the events. I hesitated about telling him about Marrock’s attack on me, but guessed he knew the alpha well enough.

As I finished the massage, I placed my hands on his back.

“Well, I feel two hundred years younger. Thanks, love. Look, I’d heard about some weird demonic energy, I bet I can guess who’s involved with that.”


Before I could blink, he sat up, towel wrapped around his waist.

“There’s talk…” he glanced away. Uncharacteristic of him. As if he was weighing up how much to tell me. “You need to be more careful. These attacks, um… Why not come and stay with me for a while? Luna might be staying with Austin, but this power… I mean if it could control and smash around Lycaon, I mean, bloody hell, Elsa. I’ve never met Lycaon. Not many have.” He brushed his fingers through his short curls, pulling them off his face. Releasing a sigh, which for the moment made me forget he wasn’t human, he touched my arm. “I know a great many immortals. Some are very adept in magic.” The inflection in his voice lowered as he drew the words out and avoided breaking eye contact. “Some of my acquaintances are very, very adept in the dark arts. Now I think we need, or I need to have a conversation with them, yes? And as these attacks are only on witches and werewolves, well they’re obviously linked.” His chest sank, his voice more upbeat. “It would be an honour to host you, I have many houses. The closest one to here is Bath. You’ll want for nothing. Let me do this. Now I’ll go and have some conversations.”

My chest softened. “Thanks, Hakon. I really appreciate that. But I want-”

He reached out again, this time lightly gripping my wrist. “Elsa, you must. I mean, for the love of all that is holy, you’ll wind up dead, love. And we can’t have that.”

To break the now impending doom that sank into me, he almost barked, a cocky grin on his lips. “Who’ll do my massages if you’re dead, eh? I’m a billion years old. You’re not just my therapist, you’re my friend. I’m not hitting on you. Let me pick you up after work, and we’ll go get your things. My homes are your homes.” Wagging his finger with a smile that was as sinful as him, he continued, “I promise to behave, unless otherwise directed.”

I leaned into him, his eyes widened in surprise. “You’re such a flirt, you know that? I’ll be fine at home. But thank you.”

He huffed. “Well, we’ll have to sort out protection then. It would be much easier to have you at my home. Now I’ll have to sit outside your house like some freaky stalker vampire.”

“Hakon, you’re not responsible for me. I’m-”

“You tell Marrock that? And this Lycaon? How do you know what they’ll do? Werewolves, besides a very few…Well they have your scent now. As for whatever is hunting them, and your kind…”

“Ok. Ok. I’ll stay with you. Geez, I guess I can kiss the coven goodbye then.”

Spluttering a laugh he said, “Sod ‘em. Don’t tell them. I will tell Austin and Luna, though. They may rock over, too. Anything in particular you like eating, let me know. I’ll have it delivered, my treat. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

After he left my head was spinning. Well, it seemed I wasn’t as isolated after all. Only from my own kind.

After cleaning up and washing my hands, I checked my phone. Mattie had texted me. I’d always dreamt of joining the coven. Of belonging but I had to admit its rigid rules and constant vigilance, well it wasn’t exactly what I’d had in mind when I’d joined. Free thinkers were frowned on.

I grabbed some more coffee and returned Mattie's call. Swallowing hard, I didn’t relish it. It was almost like having a pushy boss, though normally she was encouraging, if strict.

“Elsa, you need to come over now. I appreciate you’re at work, but the coven comes first.”

“Mattie, until the coven pays my bills-”

“One hour then. Take it or leave it. If you’re serious about the coven, you’ll figure it out.”

She hung up.

Great. I had another client, who if she was on time, I could squeeze in. But she was always late.

I made my way through to the shop, waiting as Luna served a customer. Rolling my lips, tense as I stood impatiently, Luna caught my eye.


“Mattie. She wants me at the coven in an hour, I-”

“This time just go. Under the circumstances,” she whispered, maintaining a smile to the other customers in the shop, “she’s one who may be able to figure out these attacks. We’re all nervous.” She spoke through a forced grin. “Even if we pretend we’re not. Who’s your next client?”

“Storm. But she’s usually late. She wants a clearing.”

“Ok. You do that, I can’t remember who’s after that.”

“I have an hour free to help out here, then it’s one of Hakon’s recommendations.”
