Page 18 of Wolf Spell

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“Cool, can you get to Mattie’s and back in that hour?”

“I’ll make sure of it. That said,” my mind drifted, “I might only be there for five minutes.” A spluttered a nervous laugh.

“I’d cover you, but I can’t close the shop. I’m going to have to reorder sage, anise, black pepper to name a few. I’m going to channel some protection spells on the pentacles, and some crystals. Especially pendants.” She sighed, “I’m not sure they’ll even work, but people are scared.”

My jaw dropped. “Word got out fast.”

“Ha, that’s one thing with supes, they love to gossip. Austin is bringing Grace by, too, later. So maybe I can rope them into channelling some protection. I don’t know, if I have some old stock, I’m thinking of putting some pendants out for free, you know. It doesn’t feel right charging people, human or otherwise, for something to protect them.”

“Maybe ask them to attend a Sabbath here, tomorrow morning as the sun rises? Just a thought.”

A smile returned to her lips. “I like that. I’ll print something up. Will you attend?”

“Maybe. I’ll try.”

“Sounds like a plan. Well, not long before Halloween. I hope this clears up before then. And it falls on a full moon this year!”

“A hunter’s moon at that!”

The bell clanged out the back and we both jumped.

“That’s Storm. Thanks Luna.”

No one was out the back. A chill trickled down my spine, but as I scanned the treatment rooms, there were no signs of the living or the dead.

And twenty minutes later, still no sign of Storm. I called her and it went straight to voicemail. Sighing, I finished the rest of my coffee and texted Mattie that I’d be there shortly. I let Luna know and headed out.

Pulling my coat tighter, the wind chill had dropped. I love autumn, just when I’m not outside in the freezing weather. My car chugged as the cold engine battled to life and within twenty minutes I was at Mattie's house.

A big part of me wished I could rerun last night and stay in. Yesterday my life was much simpler. I’d heard of attacks, and of witches and werewolves going missing but none of that had seemed real. But the horror of last night, now I wasliving in a nightmare. I shivered even though my car warmed up fast, and my mind kept replaying the scene, and the deep emotional pull to Lycaon. However addictive he was, I was sure I needed to stay away.

The question was, could I?


Mattie’s home, we called it the covenstead, was the meeting place for Badbury Rings coven.

As she answered the door, a strong waft of woodsy, earthy smoke engulfed me. She was, unsurprisingly, burning white sage to cleanse her home of negative energies.

She didn’t speak as I walked in, just ushered me through.

Above the entrance hung a crystal. A stained-glass window above the door cast shards of sunlight through the crystal, cascading a rainbow of colours on the matte walls. Soft music chanted in the background, the place felt like a warm blanket wrapped around you on an autumn day.

It was snug, stacked with witchy ornaments, pentacles, crystals and painted resin skulls adorning the tables and shelves around her small living room. A fire burned in the hearth, and the soft sofas surrounding it were clustered with cats.

Her familiar amiable smile on her lips, she took a long breath.

“I’m sorry if I was harsh. I was in shock. I try to warn you ladies, to keep you safe. Lisa hadn’t been here long, but her recommendation from Josey was the highest. I am responsible for your safety, I failed her. I should’ve known. I don’t want to lose you, too. Come.”

Sitting on the floor before the fire, I placed my back against the sofa as she wandered off to the kitchen.I stared into the flames. Her home was so cosy you never wanted to leave it. She returned with a cup of piping hot apple juice with fresh ginger, cinnamon and a pinch of turmeric. One of my favourite autumn drinks. I inhaled it, the cinnamon and ginger scent filling me with a sense of ease.

“Marrock said you helped the pack. Saved Lycaon. That has to stop. I should expel you for that, let alone going there without my blessing, and at night. There was a reason that I was going to speak to him, you’re not powerful enough, nor wise enough to negotiate with an alpha, the Savernake pack in particular.” She wagged her finger, “You’re lucky he was generous, legally he could claim you for his own!Revolting.Only an animal would have such barbaric rules. Imagine that thing humping and grunting all over you!”

I stared hard into my cup, keeping my mind on my surroundings. Oh dear, I had imagined that, and the fact he was so wild was… well, hot as hellfire! Keeping a stern look, I was grateful she couldn’t read minds.

She stopped and sipped her drink, hands hugging the mug as she slumped in her high-backed chair next to the hearth. Staring at the flames, her gaze flickered back to me.

“Once you have attained power, you would not only be able to control your magic but command those beasts yourself. Their animal nature makes them easier to control, to submit to us. The fact that Marrock set about attacking you, that’s horrifying. Had Lisa listened she would still be alive. Aside from their feral nature, when a witch and werewolf come together, as I’ve said before, the energy unleashed is malevolent. Now I have to explain your actions to the council and try to reason with them. If I’m honest, I’m not hopeful. I should have been more insistent.”
