Page 3 of Wolf Spell

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I sighed. At least he wasn’t trying to tear me to shreds but he wasn’t helping much, either. He was enjoying the attention and he’d be in deep shit when other immortals found out that a werewolf was sleeping with a witch.

As for Lisa… she’d probably be thrown out of the coven. But we’d try and stop that if we could. Or at least I would.

Stepping forward, right up to him, I locked eyes with him and asked, “Can you at least show us where we might find her? The wolf’s name she was seen with is Nathan.”

I rolled my eyes as he licked his lips, his eyes lingering for too long. “Nathan huh? Well good for him. I’ll show you, Elsa. But-”

Interrupting, I pushed past him, distracted. I saw the shadowy figures of wolves in the treeline.

Becca huffed, “Yes, yes. You want something in return for helping us get our sister back from your mangy beast. I’ll be happy to inform the council of your progressive, witch bedding nature. Primitive. We’ll pay your price, so long as Lisa is safe and… unharmed.”

He scowled, snatching her arm. “Your opinion of my pack sickens me. What do you think we’d do to her?”

“Not eat her? That would be a good start.”

“No.But my price might be to eatyou.”

“Welcome to try, Marrock.”

His voice raised, sharp, he bit back, “You should show a little respect. You’re on my territory, wanting my help. You all make me sick. Arrogant, prudish witches.”

I turned to face him again, and now I spoke a little softer. Truth was, Marrock had a brutal reputation. He was as cruel as he was charming. It irked me that he was right, though. We should play along, for Lisa’s sake.

“You’re right. Forgive us, we’re worried for her. We’ve all been through Hell. Some witches from other covens have gone missing, your werewolves, too. Odd that it hasn’t affected vampires or demons though. It seems someone’s singling out our two species. We’ve all heard the rumours.”

I heard Josey gasp, and I glanced over my shoulder wide-eyed at her. She looked away.

He stepped towards me, his brilliant eyes burning into mine. “Rumours? That we eat witches? Ok, fair enough. Wehavekilled witches in the past, but they were hellbent on destroying us. Though,” he sniggered, “I wouldn’t mind eating you, Elsa.”

I couldn’t help rolling my eyes. “Do you think your cheesy pick-up lines work?”

He shrugged. “Hey, I’ve never had complaints! Look—” he glanced away, his brow furrowed. “Some of my pack have gone missing. We’re all on edge. Follow me, ladies.”

I called after him, sharper than I’d intended,

“It doesn’t bother you that Nathan, a member under your protection, will be punished if he and Lisa are found together? You’d rather make lewd suggestions, seriously?”

Before I could blink, he was before me, growling, snatching at my arms. “Look! A few of my pack have left, in the wake of hearing about other werewolves from other packs, murdered. Nathan is perfectly safe, I saw him yesterday. As for him hooking up with a witch, I’ll kill anyone who tries to harm him. He can screw who he likes, I only care that it's consensual. As for sex, we’re part animal. We always want it, I’ve yet to meet a woman who can keep up. But don’t tell me you’re not turned on, I know that you are.” He narrowed his eyes, lips parted. I almost felt I could hear his heartbeat speed up. I burned inside. Chiding myself, I shouldn’t be feeling that! For a second my heart burned, and... other areas. No! I’m here to save Lisa. I’m not his groupie.

He continued, his eyes studying my face, his body just inches from mine. His scent was musky, his presence sparked a primal craving within me. Swallowing hard, I forced my breathing to slow down.

But he knew, as his smile widened. “You want me as much as I want you. I know you find me attractive.”

I laughed. Unfortunately, it was shaky. “I’m sure that you know you are attractive, Marrock, you and your giant ego.”

Sneering, he stepped aside.

I couldn’t say anymore. It was clear that screwing and killing were his life. Nothing I could say would change that. He was a mister right now, rather than a mister right. If you slept with him, you’d have to accept the fact that he’d be onto the next woman before the next sunrise.

Shooting a glance at my hand, he says, “Your dagger, or no, athame. Bless you that you think that will protect you against us. You reek of blood magic. Subconsciously, you know you wanted to meet me face to face. Otherwise you would’ve simply called me.”

I said nothing. I didn’t call because I didn’t trust him. If he’d killed Lisa, he’d hardly say, sure, pop over.

Still, it would be reckless to believe him. Whatever he claimed, he was deadly, so we followed him and picked our way through the undergrowth.

“You sure there isn’t an actual path to Nathan’s place?” Josey snapped.

Without turning around, he answered, “I thought you ladies would prefer the scenic route. Or is this too uncivilised for you? I could have my pack carry you if it’s too much.”
