Page 2 of Wolf Spell

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And who used magic.

Like a knife smarting skin, his voice made me jerk, booming across the night, my heart skittered.

“Well ladies, welcome. You’re either desperate or foolish. Which is it?”

Marrock, the alpha, emerged silently from the trees and stood in front of us. I hadn’t smelt him.

As he strode forward,the moonlight outlined his dark brows and wavy hair that framed his angular face. His stare fell to me,bronze eyes pierced right through my soul.

My stupid heart skittered. For a moment I almost raised my chin in defiance, but he could sense fear. Perhaps he’d respect honesty.

I met his eye, trying to steady my voice. “One of our witches was seen with your pack member two nights ago. We’d like her back. Alive.”

Marrock said nothing. Barefoot, he was dressed only in jeans that clung to his muscular legs, tattoos adorned his toned body.

Trying hard not to swallow, I held my breath in an attempt to calm my pulse as he circled us, his breathing hard.

Josey called him out. “Where’s Lisa? And don’t claim you don’t know, you’re the alpha. If you’ve harmed her...”

He ignored her and still pinned me with his stare. He figured, I guess, I was the weakest. I’d remember that. I swallowed back my pride, letting him believe whatever he wanted, so long as it helped Lisa.

Leaning in he lowered his voice, “Why you? Your coven master too scared to meet me, so she sent her lessers? Or was she afraid that, by the very fact that you entered my territory, well now…you’re mine. I can claim you. Or was that the real reason you came here, Elsa?”

I could feel his breath on my neck as he stood behind me, not touching but so close.

Blinking for a moment, I almost swooned. He was on fire and thank God I’d used potent magic because he was hot as hell.

Addictive. Dangerous. Forbidden.

Josey and Becca made grunts of disgust. I really doubted they meant it.

Trying to sound confident, I replied, “We came… Mattie,she doesn’t know, I mean our coven leader, she doesn’t know we’re here. How do you know my name? I’ve never-”

He put his hand gently on my shoulder as he whispered, “Oh I know you. I know all the witches. So, no one knows you’re here?” A chill shivered down my back as he stepped away, his shoulders dropped as he stood before me but now kept his distance.

In the soft glow of midnight, I caught a better look at his face. Dark curly hair, a few strands swept over his eyes, stubble framed his square jaw and his wide lips. I’d heard all the tales about him but I’d never met him until now. He was right of course, it was the law of his kind.

If you stepped foot onto their territory without an invitation, they could claim you. And you, by their law, had to submit. But I wasn’t one to kneel. Not to Mattie and especially not him!

Sighing, his voice was calmer as he said, “I don’t mean to frighten you. You are all foolish. I mean, you all know the rules but I’d like to think I’m progressive. A witch you say. One of many I imagine. We’ve all suffered losses over the last few weeks. Well, she could be here, I don’t know.” He shot me a smile, sexy and scary. His lips parted a bit too wide, so I caught a flash of his fangs.

Then he turned his face to Josey and Becca. “I am the alpha, obviously, but I don’t keep tabs on my wolves twenty-four-seven. It’s up to them who they choose to date. Or bed.”

Narrowing my eyes I say, “Progressive? You eat people.”

“Only bad people, Elsa. And only when I’m in wolf form. I mean tonight,” he grinned again, “I had steak. Organic, in fact. That’s pretty…progressive,wouldn’t you say?”

“So, is she here? It’s forbidden…”

He laughed as he flaunted his authority, almost puffing up his chest.

I shifted from foot to foot, glad I was wearing my leather jacket and baggy jumper, as I felt his eyes burn through my clothes as he slowly surveyed me.I was here to rescue my friend, not be coaxed by a jackass, however hot he was.

“Forbidden, blah, blah, blah… We are werewolves. Immortals. Yes, we eat who we please and we share our beds with whoever we choose. Who are you to judge us? Your kind has killed innocents caught in the crossfire! Forbidden, ha! If I choose to bed a witch, who the hell are you to tell me otherwise? Love doesn’t choose. Ah. You’ve never been in love, have you Elsa? Married to the craft?”

“We need Lisa back. Now.”

He shrugged, a boyish grin on his face. Then dramatically holding up bent arms he said, “You’ll have to see for yourself. With all that’s been going on, I’ve had bigger worries, as I imagine you have. Maybe she thought she’d be safer with us. Still, I don’t ask each member of my pack who they’re bedding.”
