Page 30 of Wolf Spell

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“I saw a dozen. The dart shooters were human. Or witches. I think. Either way, they’re ash now. So, what’s in the potion, Elsa?”

“Lavender, St. John’s Wort, sage, along with a few secrets from the coven. Mixed with our blood, it should break the evil that raised Loren’s soul.”

Lycaon locked eyes with me, my heart fluttered. I could sense a warmth building between us. Despite the fact we were up against something more powerful than us, I still felt a comfort around him.

Luke interrupted. “Oh, you two are together? God, I can feel that now. What an energy you both give off. I feel like a spare part.”

Chuckling, Lycaon replied, “You’re never a spare part my friend. We’re not together. Elsa here saved my life. With her blood. I am bound to her now.”

I swallowed hard.

Bound to me.To me?No, I have to concentrate.

The dragon shifter raised his brows, wide-eyed. “Lucky her. Well then.”

Feeling the heat on my face, I passed my athame to Luke and held out the small bottle so he could add a drop of blood into it. As he did this, he flashed me a cocky grin.

“Ironic that Loren and Zale were punished for being together, and now you two, bound together, are going to save their souls. A werewolf and a witch. As I live and breathe! At least we’re living in more agreeable times. Though many supes hate, and I mean really hate the fact that witches, shifters, vampires intermix. I should know.”

I nodded as Luke, having pricked his finger and shed some blood into the phial, now passed the athame to Lycaon.

As Lycaon concentrated on the bottle and his blood, he sighed. “Well I wouldn’t know. I’ve been alone a long time.”

Luke didn’t let it rest. “You had, what, forty sons and as many wives back in the day? Busy were you? No wonder you’ve been on your own, needed a rest I think.”

“I had three wives and seven sons.” Lycaon darted his glance at me. “Not at the same time. Before the curse, I wasn’t immortal, but I had a type of semi-immortal power imbued in me. A tale for another time. My sons have long been laid to rest. As have my wives.”

Clearing his throat, Luke looked at me. “He’s just letting you know that so you don’t have to worry about any angry exes looming around.” He winked.

My cheeks burned hotter. I nodded sharply.

Good to know.

Though my body swooned with Lycaon, and hell, Luke was hotter than hellfire, I had to concentrate. I could fantasise later if I stayed alive that long.

Plus, I needed something to look forward to.

I walked over to the witch’s skull, then pricked my finger, watching as my blood dropped and mixed with theirs. Gently swirling the bottle, I recited a blessing, a general blessing before I would chant a spell to cast out the evil from Loren’s tormented soul.

The blood sizzled and spat, seemingly cooking the herbs. Smoke snaked through the thin neck of the bottle.

I grimaced, shrugged and started the spell.

My hand burned as the glass bottle heated fast. The ingredients got hotter, boiling, then flinching, I dropped it. It wasn’t meant to do that!

In one swoop, Lycaon stepped forward and swept me back in his arms as the bottle exploded into a thousand shards, glass splaying everywhere.

Luke hissed, “Bloody hell!”

Opening my eyes, grey fog filled the area where I’d dropped the bottle. I coughed, the air dense with the smog as Luke’s pained voice asked, “Uh, I’m guessing it wasn’t meant to do that?”

As we stumbled back, something emerged from the smoky air.I turned, gripping tightly to Lycaon as screaming skulls, pale against the darkness emerged from the smoke. They leered towards us, screeching, the sound piercing our eardrums.


Glittering runes blazed brightly and I found myself still in the alpha’s arms but now falling fast, my stomach somersaulting as my legs, my feet felt no ground beneath me.

Until... thud!
