Page 33 of Wolf Spell

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I knew I shouldn’t pry but I couldn’t stop. Picturing Luke, the dragon shifter chained up, naked with wax dripping onto him… Drinking blood from a vampire, I was totally immersed in that scene, so I nearly yelled out loud when I felt a whisper on my neck to find Lycaon grinning at me.

“You like that? Pleasure and pain?”

I didn’t turn to face him, I leaned back tilting my head to whisper in his ear.

“I assumed the cuffs were for him?”

He shot me a sinful grin, his hair curtaining his eyes. “Oh really Elsa? I see. You like to chain up your men?”

He edged back as I twisted around.

I looked past him. “You left Luke downstairs?”

“He’s making coffee, and your rice.”

Shaking his head, he splayed his fingers, stepping away. Lowering his voice to almost a whisper he said, “You should know… Sometimes, the wolf, the human-animal gets… confused. Wild. I want you but…”

I tried to lighten the mood but as we were in Luke’s home, kept my voice as quiet as possible. “So chains are a good idea then?”

His eyes closed, face wrinkled.A small grin tugged at his lips.

Sighing, his words were soft, quiet. “You should be with a mage. Your life is hectic already.I want you, but what am I doing?” He looked past me.

I placed my hand on his broad chest. Immediately his energy surged through me as his eyes followed it. My voice was calm.

“I mean, isn’t what you feel for me justbecause you’ve had my blood? It’s just that, isn’t it? This connection we have?”

His chest rose and fell slowly, his eyes still locked on my hand on his chest.

“Just that?You stir me like no other. I’m battling every instinct, every moment I’m with you. You mesmerise me. Your blood is in me. I’m compelled to be with you, this bond, this blood spell is intimate. I’ve only shared blood when I’ve made another a werewolf. Your blood has awoken a desire within me, passion. Emotions that I haven’t felt in centuries. That I was, am afraid to give life to… I want you Elsa. I want to be with you.” Exhaling, he broke the intense eye contact.

Pounding fast, my heart threatened to burst out of my chest. I mean, I knew what I felt about him. Feeling torn between him being way out of my league, my ex’s were usually, well, fairly toxic. I seemed to attract them. Luna had said I just needed more confidence and trust in myself. Like you always get a feeling, however below the radar, when you meet a guy. But Lycaon, he felt completely different. Like my whole body, mind and soul was at peace with him. And I burned with a passion that almost felt all-consuming. But how to tell him this, what now? Instead I fidgeted, my fingers instinctively going to my mouth before mumbling, “I feel the same way about you.” Feeble I know. Maybe I could tell him more, maybe.

He moved towards me, running his large hands down my arms. “I’m glad you do. When I drank your blood, when we were connected and I felt the rhythmic beating of your heart, looked into your eyes… I felt breathless. I felt,” his eyes darted to the side, his heavy breathing sending shivers of desire through me. “I felt like I’d found my soulmate, my one. A craving, my body, my spirit were on fire. I ran away as the wolf to heal. But also,” he met my eyes, " because I was overwhelmed. This is all new to me. And I don’t know what will happen, and that, Elsa, honestly, it scares me. I’m used to keeping my own counsel and locking my feelings away.”

I swallowed hard. There was so much I wanted to say, but I felt terrified of saying too much, too little. I didn’t know him. He could be gone by tomorrow!

“I’m scared, too, Lycaon. And I know it’s forbidden, and, this situation... But I can’t help what I feel. And I feel, I feel found when I’m with you.”

He wrapped his fingers in mine as I leaned against the door frame. Then slowly he gripped around my wrist, but it was gentle. His eyes met mine. “I, wewerewolves don’t love lightly. We love until death, and beyond. You know about Zale already. I would end the world to save you. But you know nothing about me.” His eyes glanced past me. “I’m mainly a loner. I hunt humans, immortals. I eat them. In wolf form of course. I’m the opposite of Hakon. I prefer the quiet of the woods than the flashy lights of the city. Though, Conor has introduced me to many modern ways of living. So this,just sharing blood. There’s nothing light in that. You’d be wise to remember that.”

“I know a few things about you. You feel the same about me as I do with you. And from what I’ve learned, most immortals, especially those who’ve lived longer, prefer the quiet.”

Heat soared through me, addictive, surging. I should stop. I should step away. But I couldn’t. My breathing deepened. Stirring whirled inside me and the weight of his gaze into mine, every fibre of me felt alive. On fire.

He closed the gap between us. As he pulled me into him, I could feel his arousal hard against me. Almost growling, he muttered, “I want to kiss you.”

As I edged up on tiptoe, purposefully pushing myself into him, a cascade of desire flooding through me, Lycaon bent down to reach me.

His lips pressed against mine, electricity between us, his lips brushed my face. He inhaled deeply and I felt his body tremble against me. Slowly he parted his lips against mine, his breathing deepened. His long hair curtained my face, his hands sliding slowly down my arms. Wrapping his fingers around my wrists, he hitched my arms above me, guiding me back to the door frame, pushing me against it as I surrendered to him.

My heart skittered as passion crashed through me in waves. His tongue teased mine, then he gently bit my bottom lip, murmuring a low hum. We locked eyes. Taking in every breath, every movement caressing, willing, surrendering to each other. As I met his tongue, slowly edging my hips into him, he groaned. Pressing harder, our kiss became carnal, greedy.

Slowly he stepped away, lowering my arms. A boyish grin on his face, I noticed it was flushed and could feel the heat in my cheeks.

“Well, that any good? I’m very out of practice.”

“I wish we didn’t have to stop.”
