Page 46 of Wolf Spell

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The shadow souls of werewolves.

Without a barrier, which as we were all separated was impossible, I knew no other way to fight them.

In their diaphanous forms, they collided into Hakon, dropping his guns, rasped as if the living magic within him had been sucked out.

I shouted to Grace, who was wide-eyed in horror, whilst above, Luke, in dragon form glided on the currents. A whip of fire from his mouth followed by screams then he circled back up.

It was only then that I noticed Marrock, like Lycaon, half-changed battling with werewolves and vampires. Grace shouted above the din, “We need to go, Marrock!”

I shot another glance at him, he was being overpowered by werewolves pounding on him. Austin was fraught trying to use his magic.

Sucking in air, I lowered my lids and conjured a breeze. As I felt it, the magic soared through my veins, my body swayed and I channelled more power. Perhaps Grace had imbued some extra kick, but now this wind turned into a hurricane, whistling on the air, sweeping up debris, leaves in its path. Swirling, strong, its energy increased, and I intended more. Yells bellowed through me, through the woods as werewolves, vampires were swept up in the hurricane, cycling around. My head spun, I wobbled before Grace shouted, followed by Austin and I, too, was spinning through the air…

* * *

Landing on my feet, my body toppled as nausea rolled through me. Wide-eyed I found Grace clutching my arm, a quick smile before guiding me to a chair. Her voice was erratic.

“Marrock, he’s not here! We have to go back!”

Before my eyes adjusted properly, I realised she was talking to Luke. His voice was gruff, “Too late. I don’t know how he escaped our magic. But we can’t go back now. We’ll have to hope on a wing and a prayer that they don’t kill him.”

As my sight cleared, I saw Lycaon, now fully human, grab Luke by the scruff of his collar. “Send me back, I will not leave my fellow werewolf to those fiends.”

Hakon tapped my shoulder. “You alright love? You look pale. Let me get you a drink, here, sit back.”

Gasping, I wrapped my arms around him. “I thought you died, I mean… those things! You looked like you had all the magic, your soul sucked out of you!”

“Me, too, but thanks to Grace here… well, I’m shaken. It takes more than shady magic and shadow werewolves to kill old Hakon.”

He turned to Lycaon, “I get it mate, I really do. I for one would love nothing more than to rock back right now, grab Marrock and kill some more of those grisly bast… enemies. But Luke’s right. The amount of energy for us to just pull that off to rescue you two, we’d be dead, mate. And Marrock. We’ll get him back. Of that I’m sure.”

The man almost as tall as Lycaon stepped forward. Conor, I guessed. All muscle, bloodied face, with blood and god-knows what in his black hair. Dark brows accentuated his sculptured chin and stubble. Tattoos on his chest shimmered as he panted. But his voice was as soothing as it was powerful.

“They’re right. Adara, it seems, has mastered some incredible magic. Through all my years, I’ve never seen anything like it. I thank Fenrir that Mona and my pack weren’t in that fight. But wewillfind a way to rescue Marrock. He’s tough Lycaon, have faith in him. If they wanted him dead, he’d be a corpse now. They’ll use him as bait. For you.”

Restless, Lycaon picked up the nearest object, fire in his eyes, teeth gritted.

Luke grabbed his wrist, holding it down. “Enough! You’re in my home wolfman. I can’t, none of us can send you back right now. We’re out of energy, don't you see? Look at Grace and Austin, look at Elsa. Magic isn’t an endless source of power you know. Don’t you think we’d do that, rescue Marrock if we could? We’re all you got, we’re it. No one else wants to help us. No other mages, witches, shifters or vampires for that matter. And we’re spent. So stop before you trash my home after I, we risked our necks saving you.”

His muscles started to loosen, Lycaon nodded with a fire in his eyes. Through his clenched jaw muttered, “Who the hell are they? We need to bring them all down.”

I tried to swallow, though my throat was raw. “We will. But we’re going to need something more potent than any of us has ever used. I don’t know, God-like power?”

Austin, red-faced and unstable, had his hands on the sideboard, gasped, “They are everyone and they are no one. The faceless, the hidden, who despise others and meet in secret to destroy those who don’t agree with them. They annihilate those they abhor. They’ve marked us for sure, all of us. What little energy I have left, I’m using to find Luna. Then I’ll call Lucius, if I can get hold of him. The anniversary of Loren’s death is only hours away. They’re counting on Lycaon being there for that. Once they sacrifice him, well…”

I nodded. “We need to rest, eat and put together something they’d never expect.”

Grace shrugged and said, “Yeah, we just did that. I’m not sure there is anything else.”

Luke puckered his lips. “I have an idea… and they’d never expect it. My own failure, that could be the lesson that brings them down.”

“Good. We should rest, then discuss your plan, Luke.” Lycaon dropped his shoulders, holding out his hand. “Forgive me, sometimes releasing my anger… Thank you,” he turned to Hakon, Grace and Austin, “thank you for getting us out of there.”

And then he collapsed.

* * *

“Liquid silver. How the hell did he last that long?”
